New Member
Hello everyone!
I'm new to the Jeep Country. I just traded in my Cobalt SS and picked up a 2007 Liberty Sport. It was a lease turn-in and has 21k miles.
Now, I do have a couple questions though!
Firstly, what should I be looking for in the 2007's? I can't find much by searching besides the plagued window regulators.
Also, I heard a buzzing sound from a cold start (~45F) tonight. A quick rev and it went away, but came back when it idled. It then went away for good once the Jeep hit normal temps. I read on another post this could be the power steering pump, which is normal?
I've had the Jeep for one week now with no issues. Now, on turns, bumps, and even backing out of the driveway I hear a creak coming from the back passenger side. I bounced a little on the back and could not reproduce it. The only thing that changed was yesterday I had the dealer replace two missing wheel well pins (the ones that need the gun to be put in) from each rear well (closest to the ground, maybe they were missing because of stress and that is what I'm hearing?).
How are KJ's when it comes to road noise? When going speeds of >50MPH I can hear what I think to be an air leak. It whistles noticeably when the radio is off. If this is normal, cool, if not I may need something to be resealed? This is mainly on the driver side and can't tell if it happens for the passenger.
Sorry for all the questions! These are my only concerns as of yet. Loving it so far otherwise
Attached is a pic!
I'm new to the Jeep Country. I just traded in my Cobalt SS and picked up a 2007 Liberty Sport. It was a lease turn-in and has 21k miles.
Now, I do have a couple questions though!
Firstly, what should I be looking for in the 2007's? I can't find much by searching besides the plagued window regulators.
Also, I heard a buzzing sound from a cold start (~45F) tonight. A quick rev and it went away, but came back when it idled. It then went away for good once the Jeep hit normal temps. I read on another post this could be the power steering pump, which is normal?
I've had the Jeep for one week now with no issues. Now, on turns, bumps, and even backing out of the driveway I hear a creak coming from the back passenger side. I bounced a little on the back and could not reproduce it. The only thing that changed was yesterday I had the dealer replace two missing wheel well pins (the ones that need the gun to be put in) from each rear well (closest to the ground, maybe they were missing because of stress and that is what I'm hearing?).
How are KJ's when it comes to road noise? When going speeds of >50MPH I can hear what I think to be an air leak. It whistles noticeably when the radio is off. If this is normal, cool, if not I may need something to be resealed? This is mainly on the driver side and can't tell if it happens for the passenger.
Sorry for all the questions! These are my only concerns as of yet. Loving it so far otherwise
Attached is a pic!
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