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    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread lockers.
      Agreed. Carrier is the same. The cover is what I'm talking about possibly being different.
    • u2slow
      u2slow reacted to NewKJMudder's post in the thread lockers with Like Like.
      Have you seen the Powertrax lockers, from what I read they work great for mud or crawling. I believe you do not have to regear it
    • u2slow
      I believe the electric fan assembly also constitutes the fan shroud. I have had vehicles before that didn't cool properly when the...
    • u2slow
      Our 2005 only has electric. Factory. 3.7L/6spd.
    • u2slow
      You are missing the electric fan then. I believe the non-tow package Liberty only has the e-fan and tow package ones will include a...
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread lockers.
      I fear you can't "make sure". Mine (No-Slip) didn't damage anything in the time I ran it.
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread lockers.
      Depends. I would say auto lockers like a lockright or spartan are more likely to shock-load and cause damage. Something with smoother or...
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread lockers.
      I did that too. Doh.
    • u2slow
      u2slow reacted to Chris Lepper's post in the thread lockers with Like Like.
      No, for the rear it's the Chrysler 8.25
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread lockers.
      Better figure out the diff cover (housing surface) difference detail D30 vs D30A before commiting to the OX. I can't find the relevant...
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread Having cutouts....
      Thinking a long the lines of the crank sensor and/or O2 sensor (was a code for the latter). Used to have some funny things going on...
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread lockers.
      Don't know. My level of commitment was a lunchbox style. Completely invisible in 2wd. Housing held fine. Reason I removed it was I...
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread lockers.
      Not likely. It's a special diff cover on the KJ. I ran a powetrax no-slip for a while. It's a lunchbox style so works with any ratio...
    • u2slow
      u2slow replied to the thread 2004 Liberty suspension questions.
      Those aluminum spacers look similar to the Rough Country lift. "Sport" means base model. "Limited" has more chrome trim. "Renegade" has...
    • u2slow
      Do this. Google the Pxxx codes that show up.
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