Recent content by Deb'nKJ

  1. Deb'nKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    My left front window's still held in place with one of those twin sucker devices for carrying glass & the like & gaffer tape, as it has been for a couple of months now. Sourcing a regulator and glass wasn't difficult or expensive - & I they arrived in a week (but, of course, not this close to...
  2. Deb'nKJ

    Engine Lite On but no Codes

    If you're concerned about trans. temp, fit a gouge. Relying on there being an over-temp. code (which, of course, I never knew there was) isn't really practical.
  3. Deb'nKJ

    Seized upper control arm bolt. Attempt to remove it myself, or admit defeat and take it to a garage?

    What Luke says makes a lot of sense. PlusGas? Didn't know it was still on the market! I've got 2 sawzalls & a whole selection of blades but never been able to cut more than sheet metal (& my jigsaw's better at that) not bad for pruning trees though.
  4. Deb'nKJ

    Engine Lite On but no Codes

    The CEL's out, that's all that matters (as you haven't mentioned any faults/symptoms)
  5. Deb'nKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I think we all know that feeling.
  6. Deb'nKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I had to replace the piston & seal on my WJ - not a big or expensive job & whether the KJ will need the same on one side, or both, remains to be seen - but I'm haunted by my Cadillac which wasn't cured by replacing all the brake components on the corner in question.
  7. Deb'nKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Not Had a chance to look at it yet but I'm suspecting it's just a sticky piston. I rebuilt a rear caliper on my WJ (when the smoke was the leaking fluid burning off hot brake parts) & the most difficult part was sourcing a kit that included a piston but when I had a problem with the KJ's...
  8. Deb'nKJ

    5 year vs 10 year Mopar coolant??

    10 years without ever having to replace a rad, WP, 'stat, HG or even a hose? Sounds optimistic, bordering on fanciful, to me.
  9. Deb'nKJ

    New to the 3.7 Jeep life

    I got a V6 because it was ULEZ compliant, it never occurring to me that TFL would move the goalposts (and the boundary!), so a deezel was never an option, & now I'm stuck with it, so probably as well that now & again I'm reminded that I do quite like it (if only I could spent more time behind...
  10. Deb'nKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Yesterday took out for 100 mile, largely, scenic drive. 1st time it's been driven more than up & down the road the road since Christmas Eve, reminded how nice it is to drive, shame all I get to do is work on it. Leent that the smoke wafting out from the right front wheel opening wasn't oil from...
  11. Deb'nKJ

    New to the 3.7 Jeep life

    Possibly the biggest disappointment of the KJ is that all those years R & D meant absolutely no improvement in fuel consumption over the 4.0 XJ, not that I got another Jeep product for economy. It's the better road car - but I didn't get another Jeep for that either. Behind the wheel is quite a...
  12. Deb'nKJ


    One of my XJ's developed that fault: it will only reverse in low, on the level & with the wheels straight ahead - but if I get out & lean against the B-pillar it will go faster than in neutral. Go figure. Time was when you could get an XJ for the cost of having a trans repaired - & I suspect...
  13. Deb'nKJ

    Rear Hatch interchangeable

    That was my immediate thought.
  14. Deb'nKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    No doubt DS knows his stuff, but it's all a bit dry & academic for me, whereas the guy on TacomaWorld is more hands on/down to earth - & you have to respect a guy who puts his hand in his pocket when a new bulb comes out, just so he can test them & post his findings. Like I said, those...
  15. Deb'nKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I found a tin of Brasso in my dear ol' dad's garage, worked wonders for cloudy headlights, clear coat afterwards might mean it doesn't need doing every 6 months. Those Philips bulbs are good but not necessarily the best at the time of purchase. Have a gander at the TacomaWorld forum, you'll...

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