Recent content by Geralt

  1. G

    Manipulated PCM

    The ECM corresponds to 2005 crd
  2. G

    Starter kit

    Micropod II clone and DRBIII émulator
  3. G

    Starter kit

    Thanks my friend
  4. G

    Starter kit

    It's fixed. To turn off the solid red light, I changed the country in the BCM with BRBIII and Micropod.
  5. G

    Starter kit

    I'll be back when I get the DRBIII...
  6. G

    Starter kit

    Thanks KJowner
  7. G

    Starter kit

    The flashing red light is when I open and close the doors with the remote control. There is no code P1685 since I changed the skis, skim and the pcm. Only solid red light remains.
  8. G

    Starter kit

    No I haven't tried to start it, The starter turns but it doesn't start
  9. G

    Starter kit

    Anti-theft test...
  10. G

    Starter kit

  11. G

    Starter kit

    what year the manual?
  12. G

    Starter kit

    Yes, I put the key, the lock, the skim and the pcm,They come from the same car. And, There is no flashing light, tomorrow I'm making a video. Here is what I changed on my car except the airbag calculator.
  13. G

    Starter kit

    Is the BSM related to the pcm or the skim? I bought a micropod II and i'm waiting for delivery.
  14. G

    Starter kit

    Full kit
  15. G

    Starter kit

    In France it is a starter kit.