Recent content by JeepSpace

  1. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    From what I can tell, I don't have a separate ESIM? Could be wrong though. Looks like it was on certain years, but not the 06?
  2. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    Still no luck :( :( So this is an update as of June 12th. I replaced the EVAP canister on June 2nd. The GASCAP light came back on less than 1 hour after the repair. The Check Engine light stayed off for a few days, but then reappeared and has been on since, as well as GASCAP light. The 2...
  3. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    Thanks. Yeah, I'm running out of parts of the Evap system itself to check or replace. If this canister doesn't fix it, idk, everything else is leading to a problem with tank, sleeve, or fuel system itself. Just learned of another suggestion, ESIM, from above poster too. Will know more on Sunday.
  4. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    Thanks, good one to keep in mind, first time hearing of it.
  5. JeepSpace

    Clockspring Steering Angle Sensor Alignment Question

    Hey, thanks so much, that's a lot of good info. Unfortunately, there's no way I have the tools or expertise to do that job. I do the ones I can, simpler things, but that one is out of my comfort zone at the moment. From all those I spoke to, they all said I couldn't really do the clockspring...
  6. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    For those following the thread, or others who come across it using it for research, I haven't been able to do any updates over the last 2-3 weeks. However, I just acquired an Evap Canister, and am replacing it on Sunday, 5 days from now as my next attempt. I will update the thread with the...
  7. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    Hey thanks for the ideas, first time I'm hearing them.
  8. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    I will explore that a bit. Though I did think I was getting a problem or different results with the 3 caps I have, at this point it does it with any of the caps, so it's likely either the gas neck sleeve (if it's related to the gas port at all) or something else still all together.
  9. JeepSpace

    Clockspring Steering Angle Sensor Alignment Question

    My ESP/BAS light and Traction Control light are on, but not the ABS light. I had an issue where all 3 were on, and it came back wheel speed angle sensor, which was the issue. I replaced the sensor and the lights went off. A few months later just the 2 came back on after sliding sideways a bit on...
  10. JeepSpace

    ABS, ESP/BAS, Traction Control - and now (Torque Converter)

    I had the same combination of lights, and it turned out to be the Wheel Speed Angle Sensor, which I think is different than the ABS sensors.
  11. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    Yes pump was replaced, technically twice, once alone, and then again with pump filter ( not the canister though). Also, see above comment as I added some new info in response to Michael. I can afford a new cannister atm, and could probably get it installed this week, but I was still holding off...
  12. JeepSpace

    2006 Liberty Sport 3.7 EVAP system nightmare. Seeking info, suggestions, help.

    Well the not enough vacuum is in line with what one of the mechanics told me, ie the one that said cycle the key to build pressure before starting. I personally haven't tested anything else then mentioned. I'm not afraid to tackle certain parts and repair, but I also have a limited tool set and...