Recent content by kgjl2006

  1. K

    03 Liberty 3.7 Transmission Line Pressure Sensor Location - at a loss

    Gotcha, I’m gonna try changing the fluid and filter but if that doesn’t help, I’ll move forward with pulling the valve body. Thanks for all the help, i appreciate it!
  2. K

    03 Liberty 3.7 Transmission Line Pressure Sensor Location - at a loss

    Sorry for the delayed response, i had to go count the pan bolts. It should be the 42, but the sensor i have has a bolt hole so i dont know if it would fit there. Could also be the wrong part though. Here’s a pic of the new sensor. Thanks for the help so far!
  3. K

    03 Liberty 3.7 Transmission Line Pressure Sensor Location - at a loss

    Hey all, I’ve been looking for the line pressure sensor/transmission fluid pressure sensor on my parents’ 03 Liberty 3.7 for quite some time and am at a loss for its location. I looked at a few service manuals which indicated it was on the rear passenger side of the transmission just above the...