Recent content by nbas

  1. nbas

    Window Clip Regulator Help

    Bought metallic power window regulators for all windows when one of the windows dropped (plastic regulator cracked), and no issues since then...
  2. nbas

    New Jop, what should I do to it next?

    Best thing to do is OME lift. Your jeep will ride so much better!!! At least it was the best upgrade I've done. second best thing, since you have already 245/75R16 tires, is regearing to 4.10...
  3. nbas

    Transmission Failure

    I had P0700, P0732, P0734, P0736, P0841, P846 and finally I had to rebuild the transmission. They said that a snapring failed and caused the issue. The oil was red, as I change regularly, but there was silver powder in the oil...
  4. nbas

    To the audiophiles

    Since you will use external amps you will need power cable from the battery (fused near the battery for max A according to both Amps max draw). Cable diameter is also depending on max Amperage AND length. There are charts for this (see below). The audio to the speakers will be sent from the...
  5. nbas

    To the audiophiles

    The infinity system has amps on the front door speakers. If you want to use new amps, you will have to use new cabling from the battery to the amps. The cable gauge should be calculated according to the Amp draw of the amps. Also you will need cabling from the amps to the new speakers (this was...
  6. nbas

    235/60 R16 for Jeep Liberty KJ 2005 4x4

    You should recalibrate the speedometer for the different tire size with DRBIII. Correcting/Recalibrating the Jeep Liberty Speedometer for different tire sizes using the DRBIII
  7. nbas

    Replacing radio, power but no sound, and yes I connected the Blue/White cable

    It is easy to check if it is the Boss output. Play white noise and check its outputs with a voltmeter (on the unit not at the door cables)
  8. nbas

    Replacing radio, power but no sound, and yes I connected the Blue/White cable

    The Boss has built in amps. If you have the KJ Limited Infinity system, and want to use the Boss's built in amps, you need to wire the speakers directly. Otherwise, if you want to use the OEM Infinity amps on the doors, you need to connect the Boss's pre-outs to the OEM speaker connector wires.
  9. nbas

    Compatible tyre on KJ ?

    They are for different rims and they have different diameters, original is for 16" rim (29.9" diameter), and the offered ones are for 15" rim (28.5" diameter). Completely different...
  10. nbas

    Really bad sound, is it the transmission?

    I have the same exact issue! I think it is the valve solenoid pack but it has to be checked. The engine lamp went on and I checked with my OBD scanner. I got the following OBD fauls: P0700, P0733, P0734, P0846, P0871 I will let you know when I get it checked by a shop... PS. I think it is the...
  11. nbas

    Regearing and Locking Diffs

    When I regeared, I also added front and rear ARB lockers. See my signature for the correct Part No... Regearing for me was a must. Jeep shifts now as stock. As for the lockers, not needed a lot, but they can save you in bad situations. Also you are able to crawl very slowly in difficult...
  12. nbas


    On the EVIC overhead console there is a RESET button. If you press it while showing MPG, it is reset...
  13. nbas


    Have you changed the tire size? If you did, you need to Recalibrate the Speedometer
  14. nbas

    Calibrate Speedo AGAIN AFTER I Regear?

    If you put larger tyres, you need to re-calibrate the speedo (readjust revs per mile) with the DRBIII procedure as below: you do not need to calibrate anything if you regear only, without changing tyres
  15. nbas

    Can I Fit ANY 4.10 Gears by Just Adding ANY Steel Dana 30 Carrier into the Dana 30a “Super”?

    As far as I know, only JBA Offroad was making a steel carrier, which he no longer does...