Tom - you have exposed yet another anomaly between '02 KJs. My hazard light button doesn't look anything like that! First, the double fans and cowl, now this...
and, no I'm not sure what may have happened. ;)
I've had the stick on kind for almost 5 yrs. No issues with them coming loose. It is nice to be able to leave your windows cracked open even when it's raining.
As always, nice to see everyone. It was great finally meeting Mrs. FancyPants :) That's a great lady you've got there, Tom!
It was really great to just hang out and shoot the breeze - no wrenches!!!
We're still going - hope you all like pasta salad! Maybe I'll just bring a smaller batch...
Have fun boating, Jerry!
(Since he's probably gone to the lake already - I vote we do next summer's first M&G on his boat!!! ssst.gif )
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