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  1. Boueux

    OBD Sensor VS oo-OO That Smell

    Still fine tooth combing the new to us KJ. Slowly but / surly / lol. There’s so there’s a particular smell in the cabin, made me say the word exhaust, but one way or the other, it’s not sweet fresh air… and I’d also noted “ white smoke “ at startup, accompanied by a separate, sweet smell, that...
  2. Boueux

    First (for me) Oil Change ....

    Rainy days are great for study.. so many great past threads here. Slowly learning the ropes, this site has saved me large amounts of time and frustration! Weather Channel report in the sidebar today says Winter is 65% done! Looking forward to better hood up weather ;)
  3. Boueux

    Front end Qs re new KJ

    Where? lol Imagine the SHAZAM we experienc today compared to finding/shipping parts at these Jeeps build dates!
  4. Boueux

    Front end Qs re new KJ

    Thank you @Shankster @u2slow @klc just like always, more questions ensue.... so, the Clevis Bracket, (or tuning fork-resembling parts that the strut/spring units mount to on right and left in the front) depicted as 2 in the service manual diagram below … are these still available OEM or...
  5. Boueux

    Front end Qs re new KJ

    Thanks @klc @derekj and to @Luke as first responder the forum is so responsive :) and incredibly informative much appreciated, Kudos! Filing this under Stock Shocks
  6. Boueux

    Front end Qs re new KJ

    Thanks, again- much appreciated. I’m reading more about this and heres what I think I understand so far. Rocky Road has some OME parts available and say they include instructions.. they’re offering either OME or GR2.. but don’t break down the...
  7. Boueux

    Front end Qs re new KJ

    Thanks, I appreciate your time. :) ELI5 meaning explain like I’m 5 as all of this is new to me. If the struts and strut forks have broken parts can those be done to start? We don’t need a lift now, just to get the front 19” back, thanks. Can’t afford do redo all of the way around at once to...
  8. Boueux

    Front end Qs re new KJ

    Hi, new here, have already made the requisite front end measurements and see the rear is 19” but the front is 18“. We do as much of our own wk as we can, but I’m not a spring compressor. That said, mechanic says the front upper control arms and ball joints are good. the front hubs and bearing...
  9. Boueux

    First (for me) Oil Change ....

    It’s cool, just trying to learn all of these ins and out at once :) i found a three armed filter remover at WM that fits.. it’s the smaller one for under 2.something to 3.something inches..
  10. Boueux

    Replacement Seat bottom cushions and seat cover source

    Appreciate that @KJowner ty
  11. Boueux

    How to pull KJ interior fuse “ holders “ without breaking

    I did too, thanks, I was just letting others know re clearances while I was in there ;)
  12. Boueux

    What is this drain for? Passenger side under carpet

    After I found your description of the sunroof “ drainage system” in another comment here @Techdad, I was able to solve 90% of the issues with our new Liberty, thanks to you. So others may have an idea of what they’re getting into, Ive posted a HowTo under KJ Sunroof Plumbing
  13. Boueux

    KJ Sunroof Plumbing

    A valuable Post Script… found as the result searching the Internet Archives aka Archive dot Org , I’m sharing the virtual “ Map to the Secret Spot,” the would-be 2006 Jeep Liberty Grail … in the form of the 6059 page, 149MB file of the 2006 Jeep Liberty Factory Service Manual Please be aware...
  14. Boueux

    Sunroof (Not Skyslider)

    Less fun in the winter, but gets the job done :)
  15. Boueux

    KJ Sunroof Plumbing

    In the end, this is where the water drained out on each side in the front, depending on which corner was basted. View of the right side, behind right front wheel, look for small flat area in skirting curtain (above depicted drips and resulting puddle.)
  16. Boueux

    KJ Sunroof Plumbing

    Photos may help? Here, unroof open, seen from above. Green arrow points to one of a pair of plastic tabs that hold down the leaf spring actuated arm that’s exposed on the left, front and right of the sunroof opening. Undoing those will allow that arm to follow the red arrows and fold up and...
  17. Boueux

    Replacement Seat bottom cushions and seat cover source

    These neoprene seat covers are said to fit Liberty’s But I’m really writing to ask if you ever found any replacement seat foam @GrinderBoy ?
  18. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    THIS. is SO appreciated. You really get ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ for this comment. Massive kudos. Hope others treat you as kindly.
  19. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Many many thanks to everyone who helped us with this.. @Jeremy-WI @Billwill @MsRandiCook @Ksat @turblediesel @klc I think we’ve got it sussed now and have shared the path taken in a comment here. Backup info learned re microfuse carriers is here and the HowTo this inspired re KJ Sunroof...

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