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  1. Boueux

    Roof lights vs sun roof

    All unfortunately true.
  2. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    A great many thanks for this information, @Jeremy-WI. Linking the BCM to the sunroof leak is a wonderful connection. Granted all sunroof leaks should be fixed, but, do you know and can you share where the drain tube is routed? It must somehow be getting the BCM ( or something closely associated...
  3. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Yes @Jeremy-WI and @klc thank you so much. To be clear, we don’t want to leave doors open and haven’t.. really only mentioned closing and locking doors because even doing all of that manually ( thereby not initiating AntiTheft.. ) with doors locked, these things all still stay on even after 30...
  4. Boueux

    New to me 2006 Jeep Liberty Renegade

    Ok thanks @KJowner can you tell me this please? Manual says 2007 and before take 0 to 100 degrees F - 10W-30 Below -20 to 100 degrees F - 5W-30 Im in Mid Atlantic, never much lower than 20 degrees F is there a reason lots of others are using 5W-30 all of the time? Towing? Rock...
  5. Boueux

    Programming Key FOB (2006) Liberty

    I know it’s been awhile and this post was written in 2022.. but for anyone who shows up looking.. try following these instructions to program a new fob OR check the manual. ..
  6. Boueux

    First (for me) Oil Change ....

    Appreciate this post, Kudos and thanks for sharing.
  7. Boueux

    First (for me) Oil Change ....

    Good to know @JeepJeepster .. synthetic Valvoline.. what specific product, and what weight? There’s a debate here re weight.. I think the 10w30 my H says he thinks 5w30. I’m reading Haynes, he’s googling. What do you use? also, we‘re 2006 but where do you find the actual OEM filter specs...
  8. Boueux

    New to me 2006 Jeep Liberty Renegade

    Yes I bought it neat, thanks @KJowner it also saves some money ; ) I went with Zerex G05 so we didn’t get stuck later bc Mopar is so hard to find. Ive also gotten some NGK plugs and brake fluid, figuring it’ll save time I’ll buy oil when I pick up the plugs. My H is in favor of 5W30 where Im...
  9. Boueux

    New Here, New to Jeeps, New to the 04 KJ I bought last weekend.

    Love your signature, thanks for the laugh.
  10. Boueux

    Renegade OEM Light Bar Comparable with Liberty Sport?

    @brungesd I don’t need the fastener specs, thanks, I was just trying to help source the lightbar because I see them pretty regularly on vehicles being parted. the fasteners are probably spec’ed in the Service Manual? I know there’s a light bar schematic in the 06 manual… but they’re all here...
  11. Boueux

    Engine Coolant Questions

    Great to hear, thank you Very much @JeepJeepster . I see Zerex G05 is specified for the 06 also. Looks like I’m switching over from whatever is currently in there.. but I don’t think I can avoid flushing, dont really want to take the chance.
  12. Boueux

    New to me 2006 Jeep Liberty Renegade

    Thank you @lfhoward .. but we’re 2006 and you’re 2008.. I’m still leery until I get a definitive 06 answer. Honestly, I had no idea the Liberty was so persnickety.. I see people here are diehard fans and hope that portends a lovey future for us and that this is just the process of getting the...
  13. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Thank you @Jeremy-WI itll take a bit for me to understand what you’re saying, but we aren’t leaving any doors open at all when we walk away. The KJ is locked, with the key, antiTheft off ( to avoid the drain) and yet, clock, window switches and rear view mirror icons all still stay on...
  14. Boueux

    Engine Coolant Questions

    @Ksat Since you’ve recently appeared and been kind enough to answer some of my questions.. I’m having a difficult time corroborating the correct version of HOAT for our 2006 KJ Renegade 6cyl 3.7L .. everywhere I look online for the concentrate tells me a different Mopar parts number, very...
  15. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Thanks @turblediesel, appreciated. Nope just a 3.7L 6 cyl. I started out thinking this was something that could be sussed out ( and though it’s still worth trying ) but now that others are appearing with similar issues, it looks like interrupting any potential drain is the easier way.. yes.
  16. Boueux

    Battery is losing voltage on ‘05 Liberty Sport with 80k miles

    Well, I appreciate, but do not love that.. I understand that the dealership didn’t create the design flaw, but that doesn’t stop them from profiting by it, does it? A shutoff switch is a good battery saving solution, though, yes. Much Appreciated!
  17. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Thanks @klc .. are those the center console window switches? Or those on the doors? Or both? And those are on the entire time the Jeep is locked up?
  18. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Yes, I like that joke too And regularly tell it to those who call our home with their computer problems, saying, that if they can remember that joke they can solve a large percentage of their ( and others ) computer issues. Thanks yall, really. I too enjoy the puzzle aspect of this, but without...
  19. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Ok. That helps. Thank you. I’m much more used to older vehicles without all of this smart stuff.. and Ive also seen in other posts that after the battery is disconnected and has been removed that you can put the cable ends together to .. I dunno.. clear the capacitors or is it capacitance? which...
  20. Boueux

    Assorted interior lights staying on post-battery-drain and recharge…

    Whew. that was awful. I certainly never want to make anyone feel bad. So I hope we’re on the same Haynes Manual page, now :)

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