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  1. Design is a cross between two different sliders I really liked.

    Design is a cross between two different sliders I really liked.

  2. Fabrication


  3. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Sorry I am late to the party... Last week-Finished fab of rocksliders/$120 total-(sorry, I am not paying retail...I understand their time is valuable, but that's the one thing I can spare) Yesterday-Removed rear sway bar, "neutered" drive shaft and installed AEM CAI that I got off Craigslist...
  4. Father/daughter camp out.

    Father/daughter camp out.

  5. KJmurf

    removing rear sway bar far as I can find, on this site, nobody has come up with a good reason to keep the extra weight. Plus, with it out of the way, it was much easier to remove the sway bar.
  6. It's a good start...

    It's a good start...

  7. KJmurf

    Newbie from Florida!!!!

    Welcome aboard. That's right...drink it in.
  8. Bone stock KJ...except for the seat covers.

    Bone stock KJ...except for the seat covers.

  9. Man-cation Spring 2013
Pre-rocksliders & Duratracs

    Man-cation Spring 2013 Pre-rocksliders & Duratracs

  10. 2004: A KJ odyssey...

    2004: A KJ odyssey...

  11. KJmurf

    Not so new...been enjoying the view

    Thank you...I will be posting some pics in a few...just to give folks an idea of what I have goin' on. Thinking about starting a KJ club here...I would be the President, Secretary, Sgt. of Arms, and sole member, but I have a cool club name...Liberty Owners of Central Oregon (LOCO)...;), or...
  12. KJmurf

    Not so new...been enjoying the view

    I joined about a year ago, when I bought my KJ. I wanted to get a feel for the site for a while and I have to say it is pretty cool. I sure like the exchange of ideas and information. It has certainly helped me to make some very good decisions (and prevented me from making some very rushed...