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  1. KJmurf


    Welcome to the KJ-dome.
  2. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    No plans to shorten it as of yet, it was intended and has performed exactly as I hoped at archery elk camp this last fall. The extra length allows for much better control when backing up and also let's me jack knife past 120 degrees without touching the bumper. I can park it and the Jeep in the...
  3. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    108,000 mile maintenance=oil change & front and rear diff gear oil change...and I finally posted the pics of my fabricated Overland trailer to my album...Enjoy!
  4. Overland trailer7

    Overland trailer7

  5. Overland trailer4

    Overland trailer4

  6. Overland trailer5

    Overland trailer5

  7. Overland trailer6

    Overland trailer6

  8. Overland trailer1

    Overland trailer1

  9. Overland trailer3

    Overland trailer3

  10. Overland trailer2

    Overland trailer2

  11. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    That did not work out so well for me...congrats to Ohio State...
  12. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Driving the Liberty to a National Championship party tonight... GO DUCKS!!!
  13. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Maybe a coat of black to match the front, but no benefit or extra wheel-well clearance in doing the rear.
  14. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Here you go CactusJacked...
  15. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    They are in my "album".
  16. IMG 20150110 143051514

    IMG 20150110 143051514

  17. Elk camp 2014

    Elk camp 2014

  18. On the road

    On the road

  19. KJmurf

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Not done today, but wanted to update... I have not posted in a long while...but I just wanted to give an update on the KJ odyssey. Since spring I have: Added the JBA 3.5 Econolift...Awesome!!! Thanks Tom Fabricated my front fenders...not everyone's cup of tea, but it is functional...
  20. Fender 2

    Fender 2
