Hell should be done at 60000 tops. ANy more is just looking for a :buttkick:
Nobody leaves a cambelt run longer than 100000km (60000miles ish) here. The Fiat empire recommends 80000km tops (50000miles) for a belt for Alfas etc. I would do mine at 80000km intervals...
I agree re the built in systems but as for smart phones...no so sure. The Garmin Hand helds are water and 'bang' resistant. Car systems are nicer to use than phones and usually have bigger screens. Most of the cars that have built in GPS also have Bluetooth to 'talk' to the phones so they...
Well, ALL export vehicles have the rear fogs. They are in the bottom red 'segment' of the tail lights. The switch is on the the indicator stick. You could just put bulbs in your existing lights or source some from overseas....:shrug:
Have fun!!
The Europeans use a bit of yellow fog. Duplo Yellow it is called. Check some sites there for the bulbs - France used it the most.
My 10c..:artist1:
2Ohm. I ditched my amps and rewired in a new DIN sized head unit and new speakers. A crossover went in the doors for the tweeters and I just connected the 'incoming' wires to the 'outgoing' wires for the rear speakers.
Works a treat!:smokin:
Hi all,
Well mine is an '02 and it has 80000km - that's only about 50000 miles. :party52:
Is that a 'low' miler??:freak3: It is ex Japan and I got at 42000km in Jan '09.
Ball joint and Knee blocker under recall. Full Chrysler/Jeep service at 48000km (30000miles) inc. all fluids and new...
That's amazing! I was under the impression the NATO pintle was about the ONLY international coupling that was legal everywhere!!doughpoke.gif
No problem with them here in New Zealand or Australia either. Odd.:cool:
Check the earth to that light cluster. A couple of bucks says you have a bad earth if the tail light goes out when you hit the brake. Just get a length of wire and with one end hold it against on e of the lamps' metal case and the other end on a known good earth point.
Give it...
Now all we need is a way to lock it FULL TIME in 4wd Hi:cool: Sometimes on our hi country roads with the rough corrugations:eek: we need that option.
Anyone? Must be a way of fooling it as it is when LO is engaged?sad2.gif
Hi, That bit is tough!! They wouldn't want to come here!!! Every second CB antenna is mounted to people's bullbars here in New Zealand and also in Australia. There are a few with giant long range HF antennae too!!:eek:
ps: That hook thing is petty. What difference will it make covered...
I dunno about a complete demise. 11m CB still has its' place and will rll on for a while I think. But, in New Zealand and Australia UHF radios have become the norm due to things like repeater access and small inexpensive and simple portables. Me, I like our 11m CB but not many others do!!!
That is why we have 1 law. Ya just can't have 1 rule for one and another for someone else in NZ. 'What's good for the goose is good for the gander.':rolleyes: Allows me to use my HAM radio wherever and whenever I like:D It's fun seeing a traffic plod I don't like and then picking up the mic...
No problem to get Icoms or Vertex or Motorolas or Taits to do the job. Limit the power to 5w or what ever and you are set.(attn) We have 'no cellphone' laws in NZ but radio gear is exempt otherwise all the police would have to stop using them on single crew units!!:D
Hi from New Zealand (well actually from Hawaii at the moment!):D
We have the old AM CB as well but it has pretty much gone except for truckers and a few 4x4 clubs. We in conjunction with Australia have a 477Mhz radio system too and we are allowed 5w officially. :cool: There are any number of...
Ya pulled a Hummer out!! Hillarious nana.gif
I can clearly remember the episode of Top Gear from the BBC that showed a Hummer and maybe a Lincoln Navigator and an 'unidentified' 4x4 - (as the presenter was in it and they only showed him). They all had to climb a simple hill to get a dozen beers...
I would doubt the less acceleration and gas mileage shouldn't get any worse as you are still dragging the unused front axel's weight in 2wd.
Doesn't see to make much difference in mine.:rolleyes:
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