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  1. R

    Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz New Years Day Last Year it's an annual NBJC "stock friendly run".
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    You are a Jeep owner Seriously lol Winter is the fun part of of wheeling. Any recent pics Ry?
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    Are we all Dead? Freaky quite in this section lately. Who's been wheeling lately and where at? Get any Pictures to prove it? Here's a recent local run I rode shotgun with a buddy on (He has the Tan JK)
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    New engine

    What was the issue that caused the motor to go? Mine has a lot of km's on it with no problems wondering what I should watch for or replace, as Tom stated tho there is no easy engine swap for a KJ. You will spend a pile of Dough putting anything else in that you will never get back.
  5. R

    which wheels will fit

    Yes Paul those wheels will work on your 2002 KJ as 114.3mm = 4.5" The 16" MOAB wheels work fine on a Liberty. However those tires are (255/75/17) 32.1" so if it's not lifted they are NOT going to work, and even if it is lifted expect tire rub. When buying used wheels and tires and you are in...
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    LOST ROTM Poll

    Slow but steady it's in the last 10% now tho, Also the slowest part of the build. Buddy is working on all the finish welding now, then it's off to the exhaust shop. I'm not posting any more pics until it's driveable.
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    Time to SFA our KJ...

    Why do you need anything more on 35's than alloy shafts and a Heavy truss? Is it really worth the lost ground clearance too run tons? IMO it's not in yours maybe it is, If I was on bigger tires I'd like the added insurance honestly driving style is everything when it comes to longevity of the...
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    Time to SFA our KJ...

    Stock Shafts big 760x or not a really good Idea, Alloy's are where it's at.
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    Dana 30a

    I have my Dana30a for sale 3.73 Gears 0pen carrier 170km (about 105k miles) with a new intermediate shaft, only selling through Ebay EBAY Item# 260883592778
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    LOST ROTM Poll

    It's odd it's even that close, I was losing to a TJ bumper Mod,and painted headlights for a bit lol.
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    LOST ROTM Poll
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    Time to SFA our KJ...

    If you don't have around 7-8K minimum to spend build a XJ and use the Libby to trailer it to the trail. If you got the $$$ then build ahoy there aren't many up here in canuck country, I found 3 with tails of a fourth that no one can confirm including mine. P.S. Finding mine wasn't that hard lol...
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    How Many Visit Tim Hortons?

    Hey Jason welcome to KJ Country, as for the eco savings you save the 10cent cup charge at most Timmys.
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    What Gas Brand Do You Buy?

    Regular on Normal Days High test when I feel Fancy. Out here no Supreme fuel has Ethanol anywhere. Petro out Here has decided that they won't switch to Ethanol until they absolutely have too. My Girlfriend works for the Tech department at a Major Oil company so sometimes we get a little extra...
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    What Gas Brand Do You Buy?

    We use the local Petro Canada station as so far they haven't gone over to Ethanol like the rest of the pussy gas stations around. Otherwise we use whatever shows up when the light comes on.
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    How Many Visit Tim Hortons?

    In the Winter time out here The NBJC Moncton & Bathurst area weekly meet & Greets are held at Tim Hortons nothing like warm coffee on a crappy winter evening.
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    SFA swap?

    Rock Lizard Hey you can do a SFA swap for a few thousand less than what his Kit is worth and have way way better suspension geometry you can also drop about 2-3" of height easily off of the finished height of an SFA by not going rock lizard. It's hard to find a good place to do a SAS on a...
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    How do you get a 4 inch lift??

    Read the first line again troy (the part about it not being worth it)
  19. R

    How do you get a 4 inch lift??

    It's easier/cheaper than that, but not worth it as you don't gain ground clearance.. Franky or OME/Rancho Clevis lift and dropped cradle, out back move the shock mounts up and add Iso's
  20. R

    Solid Axle Jeep Liberty Check out the thread if you aren't to squeamish, It'll give you incentive to put the guard back on your grinder.

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