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  1. IMG 20130420 202844

    IMG 20130420 202844

  2. IMG 20130420 202850

    IMG 20130420 202850

  3. IMG 20130420 202837

    IMG 20130420 202837

  4. Big Canadian River

    Big Canadian River

  5. WarVet

    Rear Control Arm and Ball Joint Assembly

    You sir are a well of knowledge that I intend to run dry LOL
  6. WarVet

    Rear Control Arm and Ball Joint Assembly

    Do you know where I can find instructions on this?
  7. WarVet

    Rear Control Arm and Ball Joint Assembly

    How many hours is this project if taken to a mechanic?
  8. WarVet

    Rear Control Arm and Ball Joint Assembly

    Thats the plan...but about installation?
  9. WarVet


    Any users in the TX panhandle? Wanna do a meet and greet, I have canadian river front property which woul give us access to ALOT of wheeling....
  10. WarVet

    Rear Control Arm and Ball Joint Assembly

    How difficult is it to replace a rear Control Arm and Ball Joint Assembly on an 04 KJ? What tools will I need that I might not have in my garage? How many hours will this job be?
  11. WarVet

    Time to SFA our KJ...

    What did he do?
  12. WarVet

    Time to SFA our KJ...

    What did you end up deciding?
  13. WarVet

    ARB Airlocker

    Do you run those ARB's on one compressor, or dual compressors?
  14. WarVet

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Its a huge difference...and none of the noise typically associated with lockers. I got mine CHEAP at West coast Differentials, check em out. I dont know if its my imagination, but it seems to have improved my 0-60 as well...:rockit:
  15. WarVet

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Had my detroit locker installed in the rear dif....finally!!!!!!!!
  16. WarVet

    ARB Airlocker

    I had a detroit locker put in the rear axle of my 2004 Renegade today, I'm digging it....on to the next improvement! I am considering putting an ARB airlocker in for the front differential. How reliable are airlockers? If you are running one in your KJ currently, have you had any serious...
  17. WarVet

    Wheel spacers

    There are a number of advantages to running spacers, though people have differing opinions on the subject. Some people use them as a cheap alternative to backspaced rims for a wider tire fit....Some want a wider wheel base for added horizontal stability, as lifted vehicles can have a higher...
  18. WarVet

    Wheel spacers

    I'm with you my black 04 Renegade!:friday:
  19. WarVet

    Wheel spacers

    Are these both yours?
  20. WarVet

    Wheel spacers

    Ive got a 3 inch suspension Ill keep that in mind...thanx buddy

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