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  1. teckman02

    Any opinions on disconnecting the torque management

    I have better things that I would rather have stroked than my engine
  2. teckman02

    Any opinions on disconnecting the torque management

    My Torque Management "Snip" Thread - Forums read this
  3. teckman02

    bull bar recovery points

    Fawkes Fabrication: Recovery Solutions for Jeep Grand Cherokees talk to this shop they may be able to help
  4. teckman02

    bull bar recovery points

    There is a shop that makes something for the WJ that does what you want I just forget the name of the shop I know it starts with an F I will look it up
  5. teckman02

    Any opinions on disconnecting the torque management

    What year KJ do you have and what trans
  6. teckman02

    Install dome light over rear seats?

    It is easy this is how I did it in my 06 Just tap into the dome light wiring simple the light is clips to the headliner and yes you will need to make the hole a little. Bigger
  7. teckman02

    Install dome light over rear seats?

    I have done one a few years back I will post pics later
  8. teckman02

    Feeler: Parting out an 01 XJ

    gm cars suck
  9. teckman02

    control arm bolt ?

    5 foot won't work get a 10 foot
  10. teckman02

    Please ID this BullBar, custom Fab or retail?

    You hit the nail on the head I will say it looks good. BUT for the price and what it is I would save a little extra cash and buy a ARB. And if you have a ton of dumbass drivers around you that don't know how to drive it will pay for its self This is from a dumbass driver that thought that he...
  11. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    i took out one of my cargo boxes to put my sub in the KJ since i have no idea whenever i will get the WJ up and running just need to wire it up with my Pac-Audio controller
  12. teckman02

    New from Ohio

    Hey welcome I am a little ways north of you in Dayton
  13. teckman02

    BDS Suspension's Project KJ

    they should have used an ARB diff cover
  14. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    hey don't knock the T&C them things are sweet.
  15. teckman02

    Jeep KJ, RB1 Ipod issue

    wath mopar kit did you install does it run off the OEM AUX or FM and what is the part number
  16. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    very nice my folks had one growing up
  17. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Who is the guy that has ran his KJ on the Nürburgring ring he is one of the CRD guys
  18. teckman02

    Couple pics of our trip this weekend!

    oh and it was raining wile we were there in the morning and all the night before ther trails were good it was just getting to them what was nothing but slop on and around the main loop
  19. teckman02

    Couple pics of our trip this weekend!

    you call that muddy being at haspin this is being muddy at haspin just from the main loop around the park for an hour 2 hours and doing tral repair busted axle shaft doing a recovery on a TJ still 2 hours and at the end of the day with about i would say 75 pounds of mud...
  20. teckman02

    New Head Unit for my KJ

    yes it will work