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  1. teckman02

    headliner removal

    pannals that cover the a and b pillers the trim over trim over the rear glass and rear side pannals and sun visors for the most part easy take your time and have an extra pair of hands
  2. teckman02

    Couple stereo questions

    You can't stick the rbz in the KJ the rbz is can-bus and the KJ runs off the PCI bus system the only OEM HU that I know of that has a front aux input is the REV DVD HU from a 05-07 T&C you can add factory sat radio it is an add on kit
  3. teckman02

    Orlando CL: 2002 KJ Limited $2,000

    colud go see it and run the vin or something
  4. teckman02

    Possible Recall 2002-2007?

    also you keep forgetting that it has been posted a ton of times over the past year and a half too
  5. teckman02

    What is the deepest water a KJ can drive through

    man i have always loved this pic
  6. teckman02

    Center Dash Removal-HELP

    sometime when i go to the junkyard i should make a how too on how to remove the dash
  7. teckman02

    Center Dash Removal-HELP

    to the OP if you were closer to ohio i would lend you a hand
  8. teckman02

    Center Dash Removal-HELP

    oh you dont have to undo all of the wiring let me think radio the ac wiring the top two plugs on the fuse block and the main dash harness that is above the stering column under the dash/ once you have the dash unbolted you will want an extra pair of hands the dash is not too hevey but more...
  9. teckman02

    Center Dash Removal-HELP

    if you are talking about the paty where the vents are at that is part of the main dash if you are wanting to know how to take out the dash it is easy. it is held in by 10 nuts and bolts but you winn have to remove the center console you will need to remove the stering column first and...
  10. teckman02

    CD option gone just am-fm now?

    So are you trying to add a line out for an amp or are you trying to add a aux line in. If you are trying to add an line out for an amp PAC audio makes a great adaptor for just that. I have one and it works great will save you a ton of headaches it is plug and play no splices at all
  11. teckman02

    CD option gone just am-fm now?

    Also what kind of aux adaptor did you get
  12. teckman02

    CD option gone just am-fm now?

    What HU do you have and where at on the PCB is that
  13. teckman02

    wiring in under hood light

    i would just wire it to the batt it is a just a roller swich or something i have one just need to get it put on
  14. teckman02

    wiring in under hood light

    if you want it to look OEM you can do this Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ - under hood lamp
  15. teckman02

    For sale 06 liberty shifter

    what is your build date on your KJ because i have a 06 and mine doen not look anything like that one .... or chould i say the mounting plate is different
  16. teckman02

    My Blue KJ

    Yeah it has settled very well the thing jeep sat in my driveway for little over a year now it is sitting on jack stands in my driveway and I don't mind
  17. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    you may want to try and take off the seat covers and toss them into the washer i have been told that they are somewhat easy to take off i just have not gotten around to try myself i have a few seats out of a few KJ's to play with
  18. teckman02

    My Blue KJ

    looks good time for some man tires now
  19. teckman02

    Adapting Grand Cherokee Fender flares to a KJ

    whats the name of the shop
  20. teckman02

    Parting out the KJ

    them are sold