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  1. teckman02

    KJ KK front tow hooks

    PM me an address and I will check
  2. teckman02

    BDS Suspension's Project KJ

    man i wish that i coud find a junk yard has JK d44's if so they would be under my WJ
  3. teckman02

    BDS Suspension's Project KJ

    what kind of junkyard finds are we talking about
  4. teckman02

    infinity premium speaker repair/replace?

    good easy DIY fix rubber cement and paper towels works greart and lasts a long time good old school fix
  5. teckman02

    What is the deepest water a KJ can drive through

    I thought at one point to cut up the carpet so it could be taken out in parts to be cleaned without having to take out the seats and such
  6. teckman02

    Grand Willys Project

    can we say MAAAAAAD SKILLLSS
  7. teckman02

    Grand Willys Project

    i have been watching this build for ever since day one and thought to pass it on over here Grand Willys Project - North American Grand Cherokee Association you get the idea THIS BUILD IS NUTS (popcorn)
  8. teckman02

    BDS Suspension's Project KJ

    it has been posted before or it has been in the OHIO CHAT ROOM
  9. teckman02

    KJ KK front tow hooks

    No I have a set of shackle mounts that I made a few years back
  10. teckman02

    KJ KK front tow hooks

    The person that buys them can pain them Hemi Orange I just painted the backing plate to clean up the rust
  11. teckman02

    KJ KK front tow hooks

    i wanted to post up an update i put the wire wheel on the grinder and to clean up the mounting plates to get all the rust off them, then painted them with a good coat of rustoleum hammered black
  12. teckman02

    Parting out the KJ

    tires sold
  13. teckman02

    BDS Suspension's Project KJ

    there is too much of it GONE to be a KJ. if i was going to do a build like this would have just built a tube buggy that llooked like a KJ and swaped the 2.8, wiring, dash, ECt into the buggy. would be a lot cheaper and easy then sell the KJ chassis
  14. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    used it to bring something home used a WJ tow bar to flat tow it if you are wanting to know why the square tube is welded to it i am cutting off the roof to used as a jig for some stuff that i plan to make. most of it is going to be cut up and scraped but other parts are going to be...
  15. teckman02

    Dashboard Tweeters/Speakers

    good choice i have a set in my WJ and they sound great
  16. teckman02

    What is the deepest water a KJ can drive through

    been there done that yes a little warm feet
  17. teckman02

    What is the deepest water a KJ can drive through

    Oh I know that is why I did not press it about the cv you and tony were dealing with the JK but I will say I did enjoy my drive home taking the back roads home other that the clickity clack of the cv banging about
  18. teckman02

    What is the deepest water a KJ can drive through

    No it should ask him about the tow back to the hotel i was thinking driving back with but what should have been a 4 hour drive home turned into a 6 in a half drive home with a busted pass side cv shaft did not know how to take it out at the time nor did I have the tools on hand to do so
  19. teckman02

    What is the deepest water a KJ can drive through

    Drowned to death is an understatement somewhere I have pics of it dead