limited trim cruise control switches & radio wheel switches
limited trim cruise control switches & radio wheel switches they are plug & play
if you need help installing them sir sam has a how too
LOST JEEPS • View topic - Installed steering wheel mounted radio buttons tonight:
I am glad that you found the parts needed I would still look into an ARB it will pay for its self in the long run mine payed for its self when a ford expo clipped me lets just say he had to be towed away
well if you need parts contact ThunderbirdJunkie he is parting out his what kind of parts do you need he will give you a good deal on them
went from this
to this
i had a cluster from a 02 limited and swapped out the bezels in my 06
also a few days back i took a radio bezel from a 02 limited and put it in my 06
i still need to wire up the other power plug.
and before you all start asking what Head unit that i have it...
pick up some stuff from are old friend incommando
also was at my buddys place and built one of the last things that i will be building at his place before he moves to the west cost
it is my new bonfire pit all made of 1/4 plate i like to make some HOT fires and my block one...
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