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  1. teckman02

    RB1 nav head unit and GPS ant.

    The RB1 is 1500 New from the dealer on eBay the cheapest RB1 that i saw was that I would buy was 400 and that did not include anything that was just the HU
  2. teckman02

    RB1 nav head unit and GPS ant.

    nope still have have it.... i do have a guy from jeep forum trying to low ball me all i have to say this is a killer deal
  3. teckman02

    Being able to post in Market

    why are you parting it out
  4. teckman02

    Being able to post in Market

    that's not a sport that's a limited
  5. teckman02

    Radios, Sirus and gps nav

    them radios are a dime a dozen i can get them for 30 bucks each at the pick n pulls all day
  6. teckman02

    Stuck lug nut

    drill out the nut and hammer out the stud
  7. teckman02

    HELP! Sunroof Busted, Rain In The Forecast

    Man the idea that GM decided to have something like that should have been the first clue that there sunroofs were total crap
  8. teckman02

    Stuck lug nut

    Been there done that
  9. teckman02

    Stuck lug nut

    Drill out the lug nut hammer out the stud and press in a new stud will save you a lot of time
  10. teckman02

    rock lizard fabrications

    the yard by me sells for like 60 cents a pound
  11. teckman02

    rock lizard fabrications

    if you are able to build your own why spend 350 + on some you can build them the way you want and cheaper. the ones that i made for my WJ i have maybe 75 bucks in them i still need to build the steps just go to your local used scrap yard and get some metal
  12. teckman02

    Parting out the KJ

    they are in the back of the jeep in a box
  13. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Nope that sold already
  14. teckman02

    Bumper time

    that could look good what's your plan for the turn signals
  15. teckman02

    Help please dana 35 rear axle shaft

    If you want to drive to Ohio TBJ and I could hook you up on a good deal with a 8.25 and we could install also for you
  16. teckman02

    Seat moving around

    Just tighten up the seat bolts
  17. teckman02

    Parting out the KJ

    TBJ and I don't mess around we get stuff shipped out same day or next with tracking
  18. teckman02

    Parting out the KJ

    oh yeah when do you plan on making the trip down
  19. teckman02

    Parting out the KJ

    yes please less crap in my back yard