it's actually more of a wobbly feeling than a vibration - any changes to thoughts there? almost like something is off balance - should also mention i have painted wheels and to avoid taking my balancing weight off (painted after initial balancing) the shop who put the tires on put a counter...
my buddy said to use rustoleum undercarriage coating and to paint it on - is this okay in terms of heat? others have used just plain rustoleam paint - and I did paint my wheels with rustoleum enginge enamel which has held up for years.. but this was on an already painted stock wheel not a rusty...
Well I put the tires on/alignment the following day but I can't remember exactly if it happened the few times it was driven before the tires.. Will post up my alignment specs soon.. It doesn't sound like anything to the extent of yours -- what was the fix?
I just lifted my KJ and 245/75's and I've noticed now there is somewhat of a shaky start when I initially accelerate from a stop, sort of like a small vibration that I'm probably overly fixated on -- is this just my more aggressive now tires and normal or is it possibly something with my...
yeah definitely owe him a case of beer!!! (Cheers)
honestly was a breeze after that so I would say if you dont live in a salty area/have a lot of rust it's relatively easy if you can get your hands on the right tools.. we didn't run into any other issues beyond those two ball joint bolts
thanks for the input guys - luckily my neighbor has surgical precision with the saws all and came over to literally just cut the bolt off without damaging the threads on the stud! picked up some new bolts and lift was a breeze after that.. all done and looking great.. will post up a pic soon
I've seen this thread but has anyone painted these components right on the KJ and have pics of what they did to mask off - just lifted this weekend and want to clean up the now visble under components (rear axel) that have surface...
We've tried that as well and the stud is just stripping - we dont have any other ideas besides cutting it free and getting the ball joint replaced but I really don't want to do that - plus it's a daily driver so I can't be without too much
Losing hope - any other thoughts/suggestions?
so we're run into a really annoying problem - the nut on the bolt to the ball joint will not come off - we've tried everything - put a block b/t the control arm and bump stop and jacked the lower arm all the way up to tighten everything with no luck - and now the ball joint is just spinning...
Does anyone have plans for a custom roof rack they've made? I'm looking to build one from scratch - i.e., removing the factory cross rails and attaching to the locations where they bolt on.. then planning on doing something similar to the rock lizard gecko basket rack but with two cross bars on...
based on the reviews i've read it seems that the ranchos aren't as durable as the OME/bilsteins and further that the bilsteins have problems with the bushings - so I'm thinking it may be worth the extra $100 for the OME - what do you guys think? I don't want to have to replace my suspension for...
I'm going to be lifting the libby and was debating going full OME or getting OME 927-948 with Rancho RS 5000 shocks/struts.. Anyone running this combo, thoughts? The Rancho look to be a $100 or so cheaper and I only do light offroading on the beach.. Anyone have a bunch of miles on this setup -...
And which ranchos are you running? Links to order? How do these compare to OME?
I'm not sure on JBA's website as far as the top plate/iso as in it says order 2 for a set, i.e., do I need to order 2 as the qty or are they sold in pairs - set being 4?
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