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  1. VAhlene

    front brake noises

    Did you do the proper bed-in procedure after install? A pretty important step that often gets over looked? Also did you clean the oil film off of new rotors before you put them on? If not that could be an issue.
  2. VAhlene

    Possible Recall 2002-2007?

    umm... it's supposed to "protect" the gas tank.... :emotions34:
  3. VAhlene

    Possible Recall 2002-2007?

    The reason they say it isn't for towing is for liabilty reasons, if your Jeep didn't come with tow package they don't want a bunch of people thinking they can now tow stuff just because they have a hitch, if you were to upgrade your setup to HD cooling you should be fine to tow whatever it is...
  4. VAhlene

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Found a set of Moabs for $100 in Buena Vista going to have brother in law bring to front range this weekend. Maybe try them out or maybe I'll sell them not too sure yet, to good of deal to pass up though.
  5. VAhlene

    [amazon] Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer Digital Temperature Gun w/ Laser Sight

    Honestly from the reviews and specs it doesn't seem that good, I think I would spend just a tad more and get a more accurate one. I use one at work that is made by fluke to get readings of discharge air for HVAC systems and check motor and pump motor temps it has to be very accurate. Here's...
  6. VAhlene

    Free Trailer Hitch

    It may seem free now but one way or another we end up paying for it in the long run with higher part prices!
  7. VAhlene

    Free Trailer Hitch

    Colorado Chrystler Jeep in Aurora has some Auto Nation Chrystler Jeep off of broadway has some Centennial Chrystler Jeep has a limited number but still has some Medved Auto Plex here in Castle Rock has them
  8. VAhlene

    Estes Park, CO Trails

    In order of diffeculty from easiest to more difficult would be 1. Hell Canyon ( Isn't what it used to be but is still a cool drive, there used to be a cool trail that connected to Elk Ridge but most of that is now Privatly owned, still good scenery) 2. Johnny Park ( Nice trail can be muddy...
  9. VAhlene

    Free Trailer Hitch

    Not sure where you have been but this really isn't anything new.... :icon_lol:
  10. VAhlene

    Hey there from ny/nj

    Welcom! Nice find on your 02' with only 63k on her!! Lot's of info on here and people willing to help with whatever you my need to know!
  11. VAhlene

    illumination panel lights go on

    2WD and 4WD light could be the tranfercase position switch, there is a write up somewhere on how to change it not too hard. And the gas cap if it was bad and you got a new one code will still need to be cleared/reset hence the reason it went away when you disconnected the battery. Next time...
  12. VAhlene

    Custom front bumper in progress

    I know there is sacrasim here im guessing but still, if you read your signature all the parts you listed...... you have??? I see you have brought this up a couple different times about OME, Ironman and Duratracs but yet you still run those same things, so im a little confused... :shrug:
  13. VAhlene

    OMG I'm Back...Skids?

    Have a buddy who runs the ASFIR skids and they are actually pretty stout, and they are all 1/4 inch thick 5052 aluminum. However Im not so sure they make them any more...
  14. VAhlene

    It's about to go down.

    I would have to agree, I ran a set on a 98' Grand cherokee (first Jeep) and not only did they not perform in wet or snowy conditions, I really disliked how they didn't clean out well after going through mud, it's like the mud stuck in the tread pattern and would not self clean very good, if that...
  15. VAhlene

    Military Wrangler MT/R's

    Interesting, I didn't even realize they only came in one size ooops :ROFLJest:
  16. VAhlene

    Military Wrangler MT/R's

    With all this talk of tires has anyone tried or heard of these before? Military Wrangler MT/R's seems kinda pricey at $720 a peice. :shrug...
  17. VAhlene

    Need info on muffler

    I have a thrush 2.5 in and out no gains noticed just sounds louder, I cut the rest of the pipe out from the back end so my exhuast ends at the end of my muffler and does not continue to exit near the rear.
  18. VAhlene

    Duck Commander M/T tires

    I try and give good information but then people say I am being a dick and they say they are going to kick me out :happy175: never happens tho, I really wouldn't loose sleep over it if I did get the boot :ROFLJest:
  19. VAhlene

    Duck Commander M/T tires

    You should see this new post that came up about how RRO A-Arms are top notch quality and are "beefier" than JBA arms, all around just a better product than JBA Oh and how Yellow top Optima batteries are the best batteries you can get now a days!!! :happy175::shrug: It's like reading bloopers...
  20. VAhlene

    Replace struts rustys lift kit

    Welcome, your not going to find a replacement shock or coil for a rustys lift on Jeepinbyal as he does not have anything to do with that junk lift. Also Ironman and OME say 1.5 inches of lift but beieve it or not you will get more lift out of both of them than you will a rusty's lift and it will...