Search results

  1. VAhlene

    Roof mounted running/marker lights, is it possible?

    I smoked the lenses with VHT nightshade, I was having issues hooking up to running/parked lights, kept blowing the fuse when I turned everything on so I just put them on a seperate circuit and they are happier that way!
  2. VAhlene

    Roof mounted running/marker lights, is it possible?

    It's not bad at all, just a power lead a neutral and ground with a standard toggle switch, got the whole kit for $20 at local auto store have had no issues thus far.
  3. VAhlene

    HOW TO : CB install

    This is why I went with Cobra 75WSXT, everything is in the handheld unit itself no big box to try and mount and take up space. So far it's a pretty good unit very clear and easy to operate also running a firestik II FS series antenna. Don't have any pics of mine in the cab but here is the unit...
  4. VAhlene

    Possible Recall 2002-2007?

    Got mine installed today, it's a pretty beefy hitch, was talking with the service manager said they weigh in at about 70 lbs. Also said it's nice to see a vehicles come in that someone takes pride in owning and is well taken care of, was asking about my lift and other mods I have done, guess his...
  5. VAhlene

    stability control?

    Cool, I wasn't exactly sure, it was a while ago I read about pulling the fuse and couldn't remember what all it effected.
  6. VAhlene

    stability control?

    Only way you can completely disable it is to pull the ABS fuse but then you know longer have ABS and Im pretty sure no power brakes either, I think I saw something about someone putting a toggle switch in line with ABS and was able to disable it with the flip of a switch, I personally wouldn't...
  7. VAhlene

    Monroe Load Adjusting Shocks - Installed

    Shiver me timbers!!! That is a lot of miles in just 2 years Momtudd!!! Did you go coast to coast several times?
  8. VAhlene

    Monroe Load Adjusting Shocks - Installed

    Oh yeah? Well my best friends cousins twice removed uncles daughter knows this guy who went to school with this guy who had a brother, and this brother had a friend, this friend of his claimed to have known a man who stood on both feet most of the time, but had one arm shorter than the other...
  9. VAhlene

    rear spring swap

    Just jack the Jeep up, unbolt the rear swaybar then use a bottle jack to manipulate the rear axle down, pull old spring out and then put new spring, now do the same on the opposite side, now leave swaybar off or bolt back up, tkae Jeep off jack and go wheel!!!
  10. VAhlene

    Twack = GREAT SELLER

    So I guess the old saying never mix pleasure with business does not apply here!!!
  11. VAhlene

    I found my new roof rack

    SO i guess no one knows anything about this? It was just posted up and there is no more info on it? Why does it seem like a lot of things on here are secrets? Why post up products for the Liberty if you don't want to share info on it?
  12. VAhlene

    I found my new roof rack

    So who makes this then? Is it custom? Is it available for purchase to the masses?
  13. VAhlene


    The size you want is M8 x 1.25 I ran into the same issue when I picked up a used set of mopar rock rails that have since been replaced by CRS rails. I was able to find them at a local place in Denver called AAA Metric. However the site Jo6pak listed has them available as well! Good Luck!
  14. VAhlene

    Zinc vs Stainless?

    Zinc plated hardware is a plating that is put on steel bolts to slow down rust but not stop it. Zinc is simular to galvanizing, but zinc is a cleaner, finer ground particle. It is a protective finish that can last a long time or for a very short time. This is dependent on the manufacture process...
  15. VAhlene

    Crossbar T-Fitting Carwashing Device

    That sounds like it could lead to cracked windshield or windows, freezing glass and hot water tend not to like each other.
  16. VAhlene

    Crossbar T-Fitting Carwashing Device

    I don't get it.... Is this something that would wash your car?
  17. VAhlene

    LineX-ing Flares and lower KJ

    I used the rustoleum truck bedliner in the can on all my flares and bumpers. I have an 06' sport. I sanded really good, cleaned really good, taped everything off and applied about 4-5 coats of the bedliner. It has been about 1.5 years and still holding strong, no chips or peeling also no fading...
  18. VAhlene

    How do you start your Jeep?

    The other day when I got in my Jeep and started it up my wife asks me why I turn my key half way let the guage cluster lights come on and go off before I started my Jeep... Honestly I didn't have an answer just habbit I guess. How do you guys start your Jeep? Do you just crank it on once Key is...
  19. VAhlene

    What the heck happened

    That's a bummer man! Hope it's not as bad as it looks
  20. VAhlene

    Please Verify My Potential Setup.

    Get them from shock warehouse, for some reason JBA has them listed for almost twice as mucha as shock warehouse does.