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  1. VAhlene

    Riding with rear hatch open

    Mine won't open even if Im in park, I have to turn the Jeep off and take keys out of ignition, which at times is annoying.
  2. VAhlene

    KJ lift limits

    Oh ok, how can you know for sure? I thought all KJs were different and you wouldn't know until you got it installed. Somewhere around 23" I think I'd be alright maybe not exactly 23.25".
  3. VAhlene

    KJ lift limits

    Hey I'm not complaining, I love my Jeep. Was just curious to see what the differences were seems like a lot of other IFS can get over 4inches easily, had my brain turning. I'm happy where my Jeep sits now at 22.25. I'd eventually like to get to 23.25 but will need JBA A Arms to get a good...
  4. VAhlene

    KJ lift limits

    KJ lift limits VS other IFS vehicles Just curious, but there is other vehicles out there that have IFS like Toyota and Chevy and it seems they are able to get quite a bit more lift vs the KJ just curious what the difference was are all these guys getting cut CV axles? Are they a different IFS...
  5. VAhlene

    Running Boards/Side Steps on a 2003 KJ

    Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things. hump.gif I don't think you'll get a lot of feedback on the running boards as not many people on here use them at least that I have seen. Most people run rock rails as they take their Jeep off road where it is ment to be. I know not everyone...
  6. VAhlene

    Brush guard saved my kj!

    Silent owner? What's that? Were you not able to talk? Just kidding, but for real is that just another way of saying investor? Seems you have done and seen it all Mr. Mudd!!
  7. VAhlene

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Thanks! I used about 5 cans and did 3 coats. It's not quite like plasti dip but similar, I felt I had to be a little more careful about it running.
  8. VAhlene

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Finally got around to bed lining the plastic. I used rustoleum truck bed liner in the spray can. Im happy with how it turned out, way better than the stock color:icon_biggrin:
  9. VAhlene

    Parts are coming in

    Sorry man didnt mean anything by it at all. It's hard to convey sarcasm through text, but it was most certainly wasn't meant to be mean by any means. Hope the install goes well :cheers:
  10. VAhlene

    Parts are coming in

    Your KJ has struts?!?!?
  11. VAhlene

    Enginer shuts off while driving

    Im sure you did but just incase, did you check the oil?
  12. VAhlene

    Roof mounted running/marker lights, is it possible?

    I will try an do a write up here soon, honestly I just followed the instructions that came in the package. Got a pack of 5 lights and a switch for $19.95 from local auto parts store. You will also need to remove the headliner partially up front as you have to drill and mount them. The part that...
  13. VAhlene

    Slip Yoke

    So a slip yoke eliminator isn't for cooking eggs?:signs8:
  14. VAhlene

    what to do now

    So good customer service? Even though you had to call and see where your other parts were? Seems like they should have contacted you in the first place and made you aware of what was going on. But hey at least you will have a lift soon!!
  15. VAhlene

    My Blue KJ

    Looks awesome! Now it's really turning into the blue KJ!
  16. VAhlene

    Lurching when in reverse

    It may be free to flash it but they will charge you to look at it to make sure that is the issue. At least that is what I was told, $100 just to look at it and tell me if it needs the reflash or not. Mine does the vibration in reverse but not in 4low.
  17. VAhlene

    So how do you fix the hvac blend door problem? Difficult?

    This happened to me in my old Grand Cherokee. I used the Heater Treater fix, its a kit you buy online and the fix is made through the glove box instead of removal of the dash. It worked really well for me as they use upgraded blend doors so this wont happen again. It's a good alternative if you...
  18. VAhlene

    Roof mounted running/marker lights, is it possible?

    Installed, some may like it others may not:bleh:, I understand this. I personally dig it :happy107:
  19. VAhlene

    I think its time to say goodbye

    I'd keep fixing it, but that's just me, I love my KJ! Wouldn't buying a new car be more expensive than fixing whats wrong with it?
  20. VAhlene

    Speedometer after putting on larger tires

    I actually maintain these signs as part of my Job. I work for the town in the sign, signals and marking dept. There is no way to set it slow, at least with ours, its hooked up to a radar gun that is hooked up to a small computer that calibrates everything and is very accurate. you can however...