Update: So I think we've gotten past the final hurdle with the engine swap. The 3.7 fan relay for the radiator is different from the 4.7 relay. So, yes, the harness was repinned correctly for the 4.7 engine, but nothing was done for the harness connection to the fan. Whodathunk?
The good news...
HotwireAuto too care of the harness and programming for me. I explained what I wanted done, provided them with a 3.7 harness and ECM, and they took care of the rest. It was probably the easiest part of the whole shebang.
No I would not do it again. The only reason that I undertook this...
Yeah that's the sound of other cars being worked on in the background. That video is horrible. Still working on the radiator fan. Once done I'll make a better quality video showing off what it's really like.
One thing I've noticed so far is that I'm going to have to upgrade my front coil...
Just a sneak peak of the V8 Liberty pulling out of the shop for the first time since the swap. Not too terribly exciting, but progress is progress! :)
4.7L V8 HO Liberty First Drive - YouTube
Everything is done with the exception of the radiator fan and I'm hoping to get that worked out by...
Problems with the ECM and the SKIM. It was a very easy fix but the issue was finding someone who had the right computer to reprogram the SKIM. it could've been taken care of a lot sooner but sometimes life has a funny way of reprioritizing wants and needs. :emotions34:
All the gauges appear...
Well that makes it easier to diagnose but a pain in the butt to fix. So what do I do in this situation, box up the ECM, SKIM sensor and keys, then send it all out to a dealership? That'll take a good 3 weeks to pull off if that's the case.
I wasn't expecting it to run perfectly. I knew there would be problems because of the O2 and oil pressure sensors not being connected, but I wasn't expecting it to cut off. I'll get the ECM reflashed later this week. The key fob was removed from the steering long before I connected the new...
Ok. It starts but only for about 3 seconds before cutting off and it does this every time.
Getting P0113 and P1686 errors. Had the SKIM removed when I had he ECM reflashed.
Got some research to do tonight.
Routing for the dual exhaust setup from the headers was completed over the past weekend. Perfect timing!
The only thing remaining to do at this point is mount the new engine. It will be on the road this weekend.
Stand by for updates!
Good news. The replacement motor has finally arrived. Time permitting, I am going to swing by the freight facility after work to pick it up.
Looks like we're back in business!
I have nothing but praise for Powertrain. They went above and beyond what I would've expected. Especially since the problem ended up being the mechanic's fault.
Nothing yet. The replacement engine arrived at the freight port in Miami this morning. It'll probably take 3 weeks to get here plus clear customs.
Don't know, maybe ready to get it rolling in a month.
Just got off the phone with the folks over at Powertrain. They're replacing the engine free of charge! I was fully expecting a worst case scenario and have to foot the bill for the replacement! Talk about some amazing customer service!
Looks like I'll be back in the shop in two weeks or so!
The engine shipped with masking tape over the manifold ports. I looked at some photos that I had taken when I first got the engine and it appears that the spark plug holes were not covered.
Man, what a pickle!
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