A quick video showing everything mounted up. Yes, I know the music is horrible. Go ahead and do yourself a huge favor and turn the volume down.
I am waiting on the last of the parts to get here. Probably be around two weeks for everything to arrive. Unfortunately there's not much more to...
Only a few more items are needed in order to start this bad boy up. I overlooked the fact that I would need to replace the stock throttle body with a 4.7 version, the 3.7 crankshaft sensor is not compatible, and neither is the transmission inspection plate.
The headers are still being...
Getting there, but lots of small things to do that I overlooked. Always the case when you're trying something new.
I have a lot of details to cover. Promise to write up this weeks mishaps and misadventures tomorrow.
I forgot to clarify that these are modified Durango headers, not the stock Durango exhaust manifolds. Dual exhaust, too.
It should sound very, very similar to this:
It'll be a throaty one, that's for sure. :pepper:
Quick update. I got word this morning that the exhaust manifold work will more than likely be finished this afternoon. If it's completed, I'll start getting the rest of the parts put back in place while I'm there.
The next test is getting the harness and ECM installed. Shooting for a test...
Just got word that the modifications to the Durango mounts have been completed so I'll be swinging by the shop after work to check things out. We ended up having to cut a large section out of the centers and weld them back together to get the right size. Also, we slid the transmission back...
All the manifolds are different. I'm thinking that the Durango manifolds will probably work the best out of the lot. We shall see.
No difference at all.
Not a bad idea but it's not possible since the manifold bolt patterns are unique to each side.
I'll swing by the shop tomorrow and try and get a decent shot.
Well, cutting and welding the passenger side manifold is completely out of the question. There's simply no way to make it work without also cutting a significant portion off the engine mount bracket.
There's gotta be a better way to do it. I wish I could pull some info out of the folks that...
The engine as it sits mounted up to the transmission:
The next problem has nothing to do with the mounts, but rather the location of the flanges on both the right and left exhaust manifolds. Exhibit A:
Notice that the flange is right on top of the starter.
Exhibit B:
...and that...
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