Search results

  1. H

    Eating seat

    Thank you !
  2. H

    Eating seat

    Thank you ! What Kind of élément ?
  3. H

    Eating seat

    Hello I have a problem with my driver eating seat When I press one of the 2 buttons to activate, the low led is blinking and the seat is not eating at all... Can you help me ? Thanks !
  4. H

    rear window gasket detached

    Thank you very much
  5. H


    OK thank you very much...
  6. H


    Un peu oui ! Je vis en partie près de Kristiansand en Norvège, plutôt froid l'hiver et beaucoup de neige... d'où l'intérêt d'avoir un bon 4x4
  7. H

    rear window gasket detached

    Hello everyone I have a problem with the rear window of my KJ 2.5 CRD, the gasket which also acts as a cylinder support is detached from the window, and I admit that I don't really know how to handle it. .. can I glue it back on myself? and if so what type of glue? thanks in advance
  8. H


    Hello ! I'm brand new in this forum, my name is Pascal, I'm french and I live half time in south of France, half time in south of Norway. I'm an happy owner of a Cherokee KJ 2.5 CRD 2002, named Baloo thank you to welcome me !