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  1. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    :party52::badger_1:Hey Guys, sorry I have not been on here in a while and a few things have happened to the KJ since then. But Merry Christmas, and I will post more on the mods later. I am at work now and have web restrictions. Heres what she looks like now update: Well It has been...
  2. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    heck ya... cold weather means the beach will be wide open!:favorites37:
  3. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    its been a while since I have been on here. Anything new going on? I think I am going to pull the trigger on wheels an d tires this week. My stockers are looking in bad shape, and I have to find a place to take them out after they are all mounted.:party52:
  4. Venom_84

    KJ bumpers

    I apologize if this topic has been covered numerous times... but I was wondering if there is someone out there fabbing KJ bumpers other than ARB? I would love to have that "stinger" bar on a stubby bumper, but have not come up with anything other than custom jobs...
  5. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    yeah I was thinking of the next time I will have some free time to maybe head down to Freeport, or Quintana... This weekend is stupid busy and next week THE STATE FAIR! whooo! :badger_1: What does your schedule look like during the week? I prolly wont be free for a few weekends at least :shrug:
  6. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    Its gettin cooler man... less people on the beach means more area to ride! :party52:
  7. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    My friend and I just finished all the wiring and install last night... New Clarion NZ500 iPod, CD, DVD, USB, Navi... can add on blue tooth, sirius, and camera later. DVDs, and iPod Video won't work while moving, so for lack of a better way to do it. We spliced in a toggle switch that...
  8. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    Man I kinda wish I would have gotten the eyebrow tint for the windshield... I stuck my toll tag up there and I didn't want to peel it off and get a new one though.
  9. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    Well I haven't done much since... but I have a few things started and Im saving some cash for some mods... but I did tint the windows this past weekend.:badger_1::party52: I wish I would have done it at the start of the summer... I def. notice the temperature difference, and could...
  10. Venom_84

    I wanna ride!!! DFW

    Dude I miss the $h!t out of the DFW area... lived off bryant irvin in Fort Worth through all four years of college, and it was the greatest place to live... then moved to Gaston and 30 after school... sadley now Im in Houston
  11. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    Well damn, theres got to be somethin happening around here. :wtf2: But yeah I am putting some money back to upgrade my tires. I was driving around in this rain from the tropical storm and a could feel the jeep sliding a little...
  12. Venom_84

    Big day for Me and My KJ

    Just out of curiosity... about how much were materials and hardware?
  13. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    You must be one of the lucky ones :rolleyes:
  14. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    No jeep meets? I thought there would be tons with all the wranglers and libs I see around(Aeh)
  15. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    You have the sport? I always thought it was just a option only on limited and renegade or something.
  16. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    Thanks! thanks for the input... I keep tossing the lift back and forth and it may happen someday, I just want to be sure I spend money on a good lift... I just want to avoid that off-road ride while Im on the highway. I had some husky liners in my old jeep and fell in love with those...
  17. Venom_84

    Venom_84's KJ

    I know I know its running stock everything now... but I have plans; the list is long and money is short... so all in normal... I recently got back into a Jeep by way of an '07 KJ Sport 4X4 (black). God I missed being in a Jeep. I have already taken a road trip with the wife and dog and...
  18. Venom_84

    HOW TO: Install front D-Rings

    Haha that was the first thing I noticed... this is an awesome idea though!
  19. Venom_84

    DIY Jeep Mods You Have Done for $100 or Less....

    ^ looks awesome man... sry I tried to edit before you went to all the trouble. haha
  20. Venom_84

    DIY Jeep Mods You Have Done for $100 or Less....

    Can I see some bigger pics of this pls?:p sounds like a cool prospectmj.gif edit: NM i found your build page... looks awesome! how hard was the install?