Search results

  1. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    Mehh... sounds about right... I have been meaning to make a beach run sometime soon. Albeit, i am still running the stock BFG tires with close to no real tread left on them. I may have to see about upgrading before I hit the sand again. Maybe get a good all 'round all terrain. Id definitly be...
  2. Venom_84

    Truck & Jeep Fest 2010!

    Awww too late!
  3. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    Haha Whoooo! I think only people in Alvin and Pearland actually know where Rosharon is. haha but yeah just down the street and I actually work a little North of Pearland. So this is where I stay most of the time, but I have been looking around for some places to wheel? any secret spots? They...
  4. Venom_84

    2011 JK Info and Pics

    Haha wowssst.gif
  5. Venom_84

    2011 JK Info and Pics

    The interiors are getting so nice, that it would be a shame to take the doors and top off anymore lest you mess it all up
  6. Venom_84

    So Close!!!

    Ya thanks man, I am kind of tapped out for cash in regards to big stuff. So I am going to have to start saving... But for now I think little things (Tint, Mud Mats for the floor and cargo, Seat covers) The seats are those lame squiggle pattern from the factory, and I have heard they aren't...
  7. Venom_84

    So Close!!!

    Thanks all rockon.gif I told my self I would wait for a while before I do anything to her... we'll see how long that lasts. Take it easy!
  8. Venom_84

    Pics of my previous JK

    Random Pics of my 08 Jeep JK, who is sadly not with me anymore... But I just got my KJ so Im still in the family.
  9. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    Houston-area Jeeper here!
  10. Venom_84

    So Close!!!

    Well... I need to go out a get some shots in the sun light... it was already dark by the time all was said and done at the stealership. First night in the her new home... driving back jamming some lamb of god with the windows down made my night. Thanks for the warm welcome. ^Oh thats...
  11. Venom_84

    So Close!!!

    Thanks for the replies... ^ and I like how you put it... one more sleep until I am rockin the KJ! :cool: I will get some pics posted ASAP tomorrow. I know it will be a little while away, but I can see the lift/wheels & tires now...
  12. Venom_84

    So Close!!!

    Hi everyone, I figured I would make my first of many posts. I have not picked up the KJ, but I am (hopefully) going to be driving it home tomorrow around 5p. I am so excited to get back into a Jeep, and I am looking forward to seeing what the KJ can do on the trails! (Cheers) Jeep to be - 2007...