Currently walking 1/2 mile from Walmart to autozone because it's the only place open on a Sunday morning.. but doesn't open for another half hour so I'm gunna take my time getting there lol.
Came out of Walmart, started the jeep.. heard a weird growl come from the engine so I popped the hood...
You'll want to take a voltage test at the connector for the abs sensor on the rear differential.. take the connector off, use your dvom to test the connector, and you'll have to have the key on, engine off.
I just used regular block with glossifier dip over it. I did my door moldings and emblems with it too.
Been a year and the only thing I've had an issue with is the trim pieces on the rear doors have slush and ice build up on them when driving in winter, and I ripped the dip of the bottom half...
Not really at all honestly. Takes longer to paint them then it does to remove them.. only clips I accidentally broke were the ones where the front flares overlap the front bumper. There's 2 on each side.
They're on the back bumper too, but once I accidentally broke 2 on the front bumper I...
Man you guys always feel like everyone's poking at you specifically.
What I was referring to, is go to a fuel mileage site like fuelly. Now tell me it's a stretch. Never said anyone on here was a liar. And I hammer on the gas in mine everywhere I go. Never cared what mileage I get, as I have a...
Same way here. We had a front end hit wrangler in a couple weeks ago that needed radiator support, radiator etc. and my boss argued with me for a half hour that universal coolant was the same thing as the HOAT that was supposed to go into it. I was so adimant that he added a supplement for me...
That sucks. NE Ohio.. spend some of the saved money by coming out here to pick up a door! ;) lol but I'm sure it'll turn out anyways. Could also use a us neutralizer on it first too. Rustoleum of all companies, actually has a really good brush-on rust dissolve that they sell at walmart.. used it...
No, that's good. I wasn't trying to say it was a bad gesture, just that everyone online wants to pretend they're getting better gas mileage than is true. If you found those same people who post high averages and managed to ask them face to face for a ride to see their mileage , they'd probably...
You can use heater hose for it for a temporary fix.. I ran it on mine for almost half a year and never had it collapse. Just gotta route it right.. cost me a dollar. Cam give you info if you want. But ended up not being too badly priced through Moparwholesale for a new one..
Those average numbers are only as accurate as the person providing them is trustworthy. It's the internet, people lie. Most of us on here use ScanGauges, which provide true mpg's based on the information provided from your computer via the obdII port. Same numbers a scan tool would read. Not...
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