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  1. 1736.jpg


  2. 1734.jpg


  3. 1732.jpg


  4. 1733.jpg


  5. 1729.jpg


  6. 1730.jpg


  7. Needed less air...

    Needed less air...

  8. K Dubya's Album

    K Dubya's Album

    Jeeps, and other
  9. Teh Dubya

    More Pictures

    I had some pictures in my newbie thread, but I had some more to share from the same trip, because, well, you can't have enough BLACK Renegade. The wife is my spotter and also helps me keep from smashing things that are expensive...
  10. Teh Dubya

    Ahoy! With Pics!

    Noticing a color feud here? If so, Black is win, and other colors are just other colors. Except pink, which is a very special snowflake.
  11. Teh Dubya

    Ahoy! With Pics!

    I recently traded my f150 for a 2005 Liberty Renegade. First thing I did was see how it was on the trails. Also, I'm in New Mexico.