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  1. moncalain

    Frankenlift vs ome+bilstein+shim+clevis

    Thanks Tommudd, I think I will go ahead with the ome+etc since I want to keep some $$ for tires and wheels. And if needed in the future, like you said I will look for some other trick... Thanks agains guys!
  2. moncalain

    Frankenlift vs ome+bilstein+shim+clevis

    Yes Twack, I already have one in the garage! It don’t batter me very much to assemble the strut, my only concern about the ome/bilstein/clevis/top plate kit is, if it sag of 1/2 or 3/4 after a year or two, I have no option to regain the height I lost!
  3. moncalain

    Frankenlift vs ome+bilstein+shim+clevis

    Thank you very much Tommudd, so if I understand correctly, both kit will give me the same height (23.50 - 23.75) wich is (after reading other post) the maximum height we can go with a KJ whitout cutting/changing the cv joint. But the advantage of the Frankenlift is that, once the spring has sag...
  4. moncalain

    Frankenlift vs ome+bilstein+shim+clevis

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows if the frankenlift give more lift than the ome/bilstein/boiler shim/clevis* setup, and if it does, by how much? I already know there is about +- $300 between the two kits, but the Frankenlift come preassembled. Is there any other advantage to use the...
  5. moncalain

    Conduit Lift or Level Kit

    Thank very much Cardhu, that will help me a lot!!! :)
  6. moncalain

    Conduit Lift or Level Kit

    What these conduit nut look like? I know it is 2 in. but this is all I know. I try to surch fo it and I dont know what to look for??? someone had a picture of it? Thank you!
  7. moncalain

    Is these parts correct for a 3'' budget lift?

    Yes Tummudd the 265-70's was my first pick for the height and width, but I keep searching the web and I can't find any mud terrain this size! :(
  8. moncalain

    Is these parts correct for a 3'' budget lift?

    Thank you very much for your precious info Tummudd, I appreciate, so no I'm not ready to reagear $$$ and I will probably go with 255/70 and no spacer!
  9. moncalain

    Is these parts correct for a 3'' budget lift?

    Thank you very much RexTheShocker and Tommudd, I'm searching the jba website and I can't find the top plate and the clevis ring you mention??? And do you think that 22.50-22.75 will give me enough heigh to put 265/75r16 (31.9") on moab wheel without rub, and I was thinking on putting an 1" wheel...
  10. moncalain

    Is these parts correct for a 3'' budget lift?

    Hi guys, i'm new to this forum, recently I bought a 2006 liberty ltd v6 4x4 with 66k km on it. I'm planning to lift it high enought to fit 265/70r16 on moab wheel. I have read many post in this forum to know that I want OME spring in my kit but I not ready to pay for a frankenlift at this...