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  1. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    So after reading through a bunch of threads on here I decided to be proactive with my 42RLE. I haven't had any problems yet but I also haven't had a chance to wheel with it yet. These goodies came in today. Still need to do some prep work like drill and tap the trans pan for the temp sensor...
  2. VAPoorBoy

    I WARNed you all

    Good job. Eventually I'll get mine mounted once I build a bumper for it. Luckily I still have my Warn 9500i from my previous rockcrawler.:gr_grin:
  3. VAPoorBoy

    The Lady

    Nice pictures, looks like a nice spot. I'll be doing the same in couple months. Hopefully the rain will hold off during the trip.
  4. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    Good one Castus, I got a good laugh out of this one.
  5. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    Thanks Prof. I was trying to figure out how to keep it handy and secure but out of the way at the same time.
  6. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    Thanks, it's a slow and hopefully steady process. Trying to get ready for the VAFWDA annual trail ride in September. Missed earlier ones do to my work schedule.
  7. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    CB antenna Finally mounted the CB antenna along with a ground wire for the mount. Got my SWR numbers down to (Channel 1=1.80, 40=2.01). Best I could get with the Midland 75-822 and Firestik II (FS3-64A8A) and Quick Disconnect (K-1A). I actually got down to (Channel 1=1.25, 40=1.51) without...
  8. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    So I was finally able to do some more work on the rear cargo shelf. Made a small shelf to hold my 300 watt inverter and a second shelf to hold some other items once I figure out what I want to mount. Still have more thoughts for other equipment mounting points.
  9. VAPoorBoy

    Bfg at t/a ko2

    I've never had a problem with BFG ATs on my trucks and have been using them since 1993 when I first tried them. They have never let me down in deep snow which is the main reason I run them. This will include OH, KY, MA, NY, NJ, WV and VA snow. Will purchase the KO2s when I need then next in...
  10. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    No, friends have always given my 4x4s names like that. I do have family in Mass. though.
  11. VAPoorBoy

    mx3_ryder's '02 Limited

    Great job on the engine swap.
  12. VAPoorBoy

    2007 Jeep Liberty

    Good job. Setup looks very nice.
  13. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    Rear cargo shelf. Some pics of the rear cargo shelf I started last weekend. Still have more mods to add to the shelf.
  14. VAPoorBoy

    2004 Renegade "The Green Monster".

    Just getting around to starting the mods for the Libby. Took measurements today. DF/PF=19"/19.25", DR/PR=18.75"/18,25". Here are a few stock pictures. :)
  15. VAPoorBoy

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Early am dump run, checked all brakes and put PB blast on all rusty nuts/bolts in prep for doing the Tommudds 3.5" econo lift hopefully next weekend.
  16. VAPoorBoy


    The BFGs look good. You'll need to let us know how the fair off-road and in the snow. I was thinking of getting those myself.
  17. VAPoorBoy

    Hi Just joined.

    Welcome, hope you enjoy your retirement.
  18. VAPoorBoy


  19. VAPoorBoy

    '05 Renegade fixer-upper

    Great write up. I know what I have to look forward too in the future or near future with mine.
  20. VAPoorBoy

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Started my rear cargo shelf build on Sunday. Will hopefully complete this weekend.