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  1. Homeward_Bound

    Lighting project

    Should be able to pull it straight up. Just go easy.
  2. Homeward_Bound

    Lighting project

    Remove the pop rivet and gently pull up the side. Held on by clips.
  3. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    Haven't bought the HOAT yet. Radiator cap has a bad seal as well. Cutting a notch in the HD fan shroud?
  4. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    I had a feeling with the lack of coolant and discoloration. The pressure test and subsequent listening confirmed it.
  5. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    Thats where the discoloration is on my radiator. Parts should be in by next week, reviewing youtube for now.
  6. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    Yup, got a leak, couldn't hold pressure. I couldn't pump fast enough to get to 18 psi as indicated on the radiator cap. Going to double check in the AM.
  7. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    Got the test kit, now to wait until after my shift to let it cool off.
  8. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    I'll keep that in mind when the time comes. Thanks
  9. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    Ordered a new thermostat, should be here when everything else arrives. Plan is to back flush the heater core by itself then the block with freshwater, then both plus the new radiator with distilled water before adding coolant. I went with GMB water pump because they had a metal impeller option.
  10. Homeward_Bound

    Gears for my KK

    No rear locker. As for gears, I went with Yukon. From my understanding Yukon and Revolution gear are made in the same shop, Yukon just having the tighter tolerances. So yes. Price does play a factor because you want good gear mesh. As for other brands, not too sure. At 31.5, you're in the...
  11. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    Skipped right over that trouble shooting step. Going to auto zone in the am to rent the pressure test kit.
  12. Homeward_Bound

    Bad radiator?

    By the looks of it, I think my radiator has gone bad. But the staining is in front on the ac condenser so I am not fully sure. Either way I am missing coolant from my reservoir and radiator. Coming up on 90k miles, I going with that the radiator is leaking, or at least weeping, and ordered a...
  13. Homeward_Bound

    Gears for my KK

    I'm on 32's, looking to squeeze 33's next time I'm up for tires.
  14. Homeward_Bound

    Gears for my KK

    We have the same diff as the JKD30, so any gear/locker for the JK will fit our front differential. I myself have 4.56 installed with an Eaton locker up front. We have a carrier break, but thats for gearing 3.07 and numerically lower iirc so no need for that. If you offroad a lot, I'd go 4.56...
  15. Homeward_Bound

    Exhaust Modifications

    After some recent wheeling adventures, the idea of solid swapping the front end has come back to the drawing board for me. Yes it would be easier to pick up an older XJ or TJ, but where is the fun in that? For now it is still all theory. However, if I can have it all figured out beforehand, it...
  16. Homeward_Bound

    Factory Service Manual Links - KK

    This is awesome! Great find!
  17. Homeward_Bound

    Gears for bigger tire.

    As lfhoward said, we have a modified JKD30 so any gears and lockers that fit the JKD30 will fit in the KK front differential...
  18. Homeward_Bound

    LOST transplant from New York

    Yes and no on the 4.56's. 32's seemed to be on the tipping point between the 4.56's and the 4.10's, so I harnessed my inner Tim Taylor and went for torque. When I do actually go out, it's nice to have the gearing. But a bit annoying on the highway when I'm pushing 2300 RPM just to keep with...
  19. Homeward_Bound

    LOST transplant from New York

    Thanks for the welcome. It was taken in Jackson, NJ not too long ago. Its always fun bringing it out.
  20. Homeward_Bound

    LOST transplant from New York

    Was a user over on LOST, tried to get back into Jeep Forum, then stumbled upon here. Looks a lot more active and less spammy than what LOST has unfortunately turned into. 12KK geared to 4.56 on 32" tires. ATH roof rack, rear bumper, front recovery, and factory skids. Custom headlights.