Search results

  1. RookieLibertyist

    Soft 8s. any problems?

    ok so im looking to get some soft 8s within the next few months and just wanna ask first if there is anything i should worry about. how are they with rusting? as well as any problems with bending? how much backspacing should i get? im not lifted and dont plan for a while. anyother...
  2. RookieLibertyist

    2.5 inch kj lift

    just wondering dont know if its been mentioned but how is the rustys lift that is on the ristys website? cuz i wanna do it rightand just 1000 for a frankenlift is a lot though its the best for a reason. help me please
  3. RookieLibertyist

    Can somebody help me w a brush bar?

    ok so i want something preferably just like this it says its a mopar brush bar. i know they do nothing and are for looks. i want it for the tougher look and a place to mount some hella 500s. though if there is a bar that gives me...
  4. my new tires.

    my new tires.

  5. The Kj

    The Kj

    its my kj what else?
  6. RookieLibertyist

    Raised Whites or No? ...and Soft 8s

    ok im not lifted and not likely to be so what should i do then?
  7. RookieLibertyist

    Raised Whites or No? ...and Soft 8s

    Ok. So I'm in need of some new tires and when I get some I plan on getting Firestone Destination ATs 235/70/16. They have raised why letters on them. should I have them turned inward so I dont see the the letters? If there are any pics of both the raised white and turned in that would help a lot...
  8. RookieLibertyist

    Amp and Sub wiring: need help

    thank you so much! i can always count on this forum!
  9. RookieLibertyist

    Amp and Sub wiring: need help

    ok. its stock radio forgot to mention that. what is the number on the panel for blinkers or horn?
  10. RookieLibertyist

    Amp and Sub wiring: need help

    OK. i installed an amp and subwoofer the other day and the light on the amp is always on even when the car is off. this is because of the one wire (i forget what its called) thats plugged into the fuse panel on the driver side of the car by the instrument panel. i was wondering what...
  11. RookieLibertyist

    What should I do for new tires?

    ok. so ive decided bewteen the firestone destinatin ats and the grabber at2s. which one would be better for overall driving because i dont offroad too often and need something that wont make my gas mileage any more terrible.
  12. RookieLibertyist

    What should I do for new tires?

    im from cleveland. thanks for the info. ill have to go looking into pricing and all that. i dont wanna spend more than like 600ish on all 5.
  13. RookieLibertyist

    What should I do for new tires?

    Ok. I have a 2004 Black Kj Sport 3.7L and am in need of new tires. i like the grabber at2's and the nitto terra grapplers. my question is what tires should i get either between these two or something else? i want a tougher looking tire as im on the stock ones currently. I think i want bigger...