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  1. jeepchic79

    Idk if it's related to the other post but I think my Kj need's a priest

    Okay so I'm looking at batteries since mine is dated installed 2012 lol just bought it so..... that's something I over looked I refuse to buy napa batteries the last one I bought was crap lasted 3 day's after the warranty and died .
  2. jeepchic79

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Got a oil change yesterday & today going to hopefully get a key fob battery .
  3. jeepchic79

    Idk if it's related to the other post but I think my Kj need's a priest

    So I found another guy on Facebook who's having the same issue same year .
  4. jeepchic79

    Idk if it's related to the other post but I think my Kj need's a priest

    Well I definitely can do the taping of them together since I have another vehicle so I'll do that I'm gonna go ahead and also replace the battery because the other one is pretty old the reason I had it tested the first time is I had a brief light 1 day then it tested fine so I am thinking it...
  5. jeepchic79

    Idk if it's related to the other post but I think my Kj need's a priest

    Sage & Sweet grass the best choices always ;)
  6. jeepchic79

    Idk if it's related to the other post but I think my Kj need's a priest

    Lol well I hope I haven't angered them o_O good news is I have sage and I will smudge the evil outta there bahaha I guess I probably should just go ahead a get a battery it was old the parts guy said even though it tested fine always good to keep up maintenance.
  7. jeepchic79

    Also new here

    Hello & Welcome :)
  8. jeepchic79

    Idk if it's related to the other post but I think my Kj need's a priest

    Is it possible even though I had it tested that it still could be going bad or should I maby have it tested again ?
  9. jeepchic79

    Idk if it's related to the other post but I think my Kj need's a priest

    So today I used my fob to open the back and then it opened with no issues not suprising it kept clicking and the gate wasn't open all the way I was having a conversation earlier with a member about the wires getting pinched back there being aware I opened it inspected what I could , it seemed...
  10. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    Fyi I've never done anything other than plug's pulled some parts when I worked at a junkyard, a carb on a Honda lol and a dodge 225 slant 6 and full exhaust, break's, oil and radio stuff , a ignition switch in a Honda and tire changes , body work that's about it so I'm treading new territory
  11. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    Okay I'll make sure it's a mopar switch I will definitely grab a extra seal just in case the other is shot . Also I was going to ask my shifter is loose should I replace the cable too or is that a whole other headache?
  12. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    I'm hoping that it has no issues and comes out seamless I'm going to give it a go myself I think to save $$ if it doesn't go right I don't think I'll have anyone to help fix it unless I get it towed lol really don't think that will save me much so I have to make it work .
  13. jeepchic79

    New guy

    Welcome :)
  14. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    I guess I can give it a go I did the fog light a couple weeks ago and survived and it works lol
  15. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    Wonder if there's a video floating around somewhere on how to
  16. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    So my total will be about 311$ cause he's doing my muffler too ugh .
  17. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    Idk how long it's been flickering since I just bought it a month ago lol it's annoying so I'm awaiting a quote on how much the mechanics going to charge to replace it out .
  18. jeepchic79

    Finally - / Jeep KJ Country Decals!

    I have a friend who can make decals and shirts just let me know if this is helpful I can give you thier information she made my decalson my kj .
  19. jeepchic79

    Transfer Case Position Switch

    LibertyTC moved these mechanical posts into a new Thread, because they were all posted under Weather Related! RIGHT! with either my part time sensor thing either needing changed or cleaned I don't know if I can use my 4 wheel ?