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  1. jeepchic79

    Few thing's happening

    Well I do go to Canada sometimes but I doubt I'll take my jeep on that trip probably my impala most likely Usaa asked me that too lol I assumed I had them cause out of habit I always turn them on because of spending time up north for a bit here n there . This kj was also made in Toledo Tom cool eh
  2. jeepchic79

    Few thing's happening

    Fuse #25 inside was fine I was missing my daytime running light fuse tho lol wondering if it's a switch?
  3. jeepchic79

    Few thing's happening

    Will also do this in a bit after coffee Thank you
  4. jeepchic79

    Few thing's happening

    Okay I'll check under there today here in a bit after this coffee.....
  5. jeepchic79

    Another old member back !

    Not yet I do need to get a sensor fixed tho part time is blinking some time's ahahaha I need a mechanic because the shop here is always booked up and is outrageous
  6. jeepchic79

    Few thing's happening

    Okay so today I noticed when using the handle to open the back my glass wouldn't shut the latch stuck in the lock position until I used my key fob to release it ? Issue # 2 mirrors don't work with buttons all other buttons work fine . That's about it .
  7. jeepchic79

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    So far I OCDed the inside wasn't much just a couple things that were bugging me , Cleaned windows, shined tires , Peanutbuttered fenders then ran out of stuff to do :(
  8. jeepchic79

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Washed it again and re-stuck my phone holder to the windshield 5 times .
  9. jeepchic79

    Do I need a new door?

    I have this issue too thankfully plastic is covering mine I am going to sand it down prime fill and cover the bottom with a black flat diamond plate . These are just ideas atm lol
  10. jeepchic79

    Another old member back !

    Here's some photos.
  11. jeepchic79 Decals

    I do have a friend who can make Custom decals I'll post a picture of mine on my KJ
  12. jeepchic79

    Painting my grill?

    That's a great idea! Mine just snaps a little bit of a pain in the a** I use a flathead screwdriver and hope every time lol
  13. jeepchic79

    Painting my grill?

    Well I can buy a flat black one probably less hassle I do need the under housing anyways too . Just debating if I want black or another color
  14. jeepchic79

    Painting my grill?

    So my silver kj has a chrome grill which imo is awful because well who puts chrome with Silver? Maby it's me so can I paint that thing or will it chip and look horrible? Because I will just buy one if it's going to look like trash lol
  15. jeepchic79

    Bonjour ! from france

    Bonjour & Welcome !
  16. jeepchic79

    Another old member back !

    One before I added decals.
  17. jeepchic79

    Another old member back !

    I do I will have to resize them I have one as my profile picture I'll get some tomorrow since I've added custom window decals.
  18. jeepchic79

    Another old member back !

    Well I missed my Kj most of all my Impala is just not made to get dirty lol I got a Silver 06 sport has lots more features than my 02 did except it has a 4 speed transmission :(