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  1. 090510163559 01

    090510163559 01

  2. jeepchic79

    New From Canada

    I must run out and get me a Dave !!! lol
  3. 09/05/2010 Another one after a bath

    09/05/2010 Another one after a bath

  4. 09 /05 /2010 Right after a wash

    09 /05 /2010 Right after a wash

  5. jeepchic79

    New From Canada

    Another Dave !!! Welcome .
  6. jeepchic79

    Give me some ideas!

    Free Bumper stickers for those who want to advertise ?
  7. jeepchic79

    Woah, did not know that

    I always thought they where built a year before they came out ?
  8. jeepchic79

    Moving across Country

    Hummm i didn`t notice o.0
  9. jeepchic79

    Moving across Country

    Moved to Ohio ? or from Ohio?
  10. jeepchic79

    KJ longevity

    2002 Sport 156k , plug`s , thermostat censer
  11. jeepchic79

    Bad clocking noise in front end!!

    I am having a Axel issue and mine Hums like a mofo ! And also squeaks bad on that side !
  12. jeepchic79

    newbie needs help

    Go to autozone or advanced .. They will do a free diagnostic check and plus check the battery and make sure you get the code`s to post !! This forum and these guy`s are very helpful and will help as best as they can !
  13. jeepchic79

    My KJ from France

    Welcome !!! And Wow !!! Now that is a shiny kj
  14. jeepchic79

    new from Indiana

    Welcome !!
  15. jeepchic79

    As per Tony's request

    Yeah i am going to have to park in ur drive way and take a long walk lol ...I`ll leave the keys behind the spare tire :p
  16. jeepchic79

    Case of the missing oil ?

    I still got the oil filter trash hasn`t went out yet !
  17. jeepchic79

    Case of the missing oil ?

    I get better lube than the jeep:Pnana.gif
  18. jeepchic79

    Case of the missing oil ?

    hummm !:rolleyes:(whistle)
  19. jeepchic79

    Case of the missing oil ?

    Yeah it was odd ! but just looked and smelled like dirty oil ..Had some sludge . treated it lol
  20. jeepchic79

    Case of the missing oil ?

    Yes so glad it wasn`t as bad as i was thinking ! You win 100 points :p deffently keep track of it this time ! The wrist is ok the cast failing lol You take care 2 buddy , Don`t be a stranger !