Search results

  1. D

    Starter Issue, or Not?

    08 Liberty Limited. From time to time when starting, the starter does not disengage. I roll the key back and stop it, and on the second try it does disengage. I guess that is not the starter, but the solenoid, which is usually sold as part of the starter. It does not do this all the time...
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    Clacking in front end

    Going into 4 wheel drive on a trail I started to get some solid clacking from the front end, a cv joint. Seems to be from the front drive shaft and I see a lot of videos about replacing it. So that's my suspicion. It also seems to be a little behind the front wheels. So maybe not a front...
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    Intermittent occasional beep, ding, buzz

    2008 Liberty Limited. 154000 miles. I had started to have an occasional beep or ding from the alert system in the dash or computer several months ago. I had concluded it was the battery getting old and low and got a new battery. The sound stopped. There never was any light that I could see...
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    2008 Liberty 3.7 4x4 Ltd Belt Routing diagram

    Does anyone have the correct routing diagram? I keep getting one that shows a different routing than I have. Thanks dc
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    Sunroof (Not Skyslider)

    I happened to take a look at the seal around my sunroof 2009 Liberty Limited and found that it was grossly cracked and crumbled. So today when I received the replacement seal from the cheapest discount seller today, I set out to take out the sunroof and replace the seal. What a mess. Whatever...
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    Check Engine Light on Trail - then Blink and Beep

    Saturday, Dec 4 I drove 100 miles to a trail head. Got gas, and the shut off didn't work so gas spilled down the side of Jeep, as happened at same station a month ago. 2008 Liberty Limited. Onto the trail about 25 miles and ... check engine light. And rough running. Put the Autel code...
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    Lift Gate Glass Open Switch

    Beside the rear lift gate opening lever there is a small rectangular switch marked WINDOW on it, which I assume is to open the rear glass. The switch is frozen. Sounds feels like water got into it and rotted the insides. I can't find that switch on any of the parts lists, or the parts pdf...
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    Transmission Temperature

    I went for a drive up a canyon road, off the pavement and up to the snow and wet road. I'm trying to get my trans refill level right. Going up, I went up maybe 2000 to 3000 feet in 8 or 10 miles. Steep, steady uphill, the engine went up to about 217. But the transmission temperature got up...
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    Mystery Spring Appeared

    I was putting my passenger side front tire back on, when I got done looking behind me I saw a spring on the ground. Now I have replaced many front tires, and rotated, and replaced front brakes, so I didn't realize where this spring might have come from. I knew nobody had come up behind me and...
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    How to Paint

    How to paint, or actually prepare new rear transmission cross-member with POR15 paint. It's not rusty. It's new. But it does come painted, or what may be anodized. A sort of cheap paint that looks like it will flake off and rust here and there, quite easily. So my question is, just paint it...
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    Transfer Case Fluid Plugs

    I opened the transfer case today and started drainng the fluid. In removing both the top and lower plugs, I see a reddish or orange sealer or rtv sealer. Is that necessary? It looks like maybe over the years the two plugs may have leaked a bit and thus the last time it was done they put some...
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    Front Crossmember

    My front crossmember, under the transfer case is rusty. I want to replace it. It looks like moparwholesaleparts has it. $45. Not a bad price. For a new one. I suppose they will also have the bolts. They are rusty also. What about the nuts which appear to be welded into the frame? Will...
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    Scan Tools

    I'm looking for a good scan tool. I have a Innovo 3100 that can read codes. And reset, etc. However it is not "bi directional" which means that it cannot run checks on various components. I'd like one that can do that. I'd also like it to have diagnostic capabilities. That is, tell me...
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    Best Way to Check 4 Wheel Drive

    I want to check the operation of the 4 wheel drive prior to changing all the fluids. What's the best way? I have the front jacked up, I could just jack the rear and see what spins regular and then in 4 wheel drive. I can imagine there are those that can hear the solenoid engage in the...
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    2008 Liberty Limited Oil Filter

    Had a lot of fun today changing the oil and filter. The oil plug was on so tight I had to get out the impact to get it off. Torqued it back on. There were no oil leaks on the ground after a month, but some started when I got going in there. Then for the filter. That's a real joke there...
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    TPMS New Sensors

    I'm having a problem with one of the sensors on 2008 Liberty Limited, with TPMS. One tire is always reading low even tho' it isn't low. If I just get a new sensor from Mopar do I have to "wake it up" with a tool, and then program it in, or do they do that on their own. On my motorcycle I had...
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    Opening Door for Door Lock

    I'm trying to open the passenger side front door to find out why the switch and remote won't lock the passenger front door. I've checked the fuse, and found power to the side of the fuse, and the window works and all the other locks work, but not this one. I have seen all the videos and posts...
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    Plug Change, A Major Change?

    Well, I finally got an air compressor and blew the dirt out around the plugs and pulled one. Looks very good but very very old, and ... gap of about .060. So I have no emissions sticker, or one that does not give the plug gap. So, do I go with the .040? Or wider? Or what? And what will...
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    Skid Plates

    Looking under a number of KKs and KJs with the intent to buy, I saw almost no skid plates. Under mine I believe I saw none. I'm trying to find what I'm missing. From the adverts I see a front (plastic?) air dam or skid plate?, a transmission skid plate, material unknown, and a tank skid...
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    New/used Jeep Owner

    I can now identify myself as a Jeep owner. 2008 Liberty Limited, but with cloth seats (a must for me). I don't know if they changed the seats. It's all listed as customer premium package and all that. It has all the options. Moonroof. I'll probably never use it. Blue tooth phone. Never...