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  1. J

    Thinking of buying 07 or 08 Liberty. Advice.

    Right, thank you k99jk99j. Will check out the 08's. There is a nice 07 for sale at a dealer near my house that will check out. The 08s do look promising from research. Will see what I can find.
  2. J

    Thinking of buying 07 or 08 Liberty. Advice.

    Thanks Bob. Yes don't won't to stir the pot but will consider all advice, appreciate. The 07/08 liberty's cost over here is decent for lower KM. Like the look of it for the money, quite a few for sale to choose from. My previous neighbor has an 04 and she seemed to like it. Drove it daily...
  3. J

    Thinking of buying 07 or 08 Liberty. Advice.

    Thanks Tinkrr. Great advice. Nice to hear that you have traveled that way in your jeep. Yes was looking at the blankets, good tip, not sure what to do about a block heater, did you need/have one? Will have to look into having one fitted as know want find one pre-installed out this way...
  4. J

    Thinking of buying 07 or 08 Liberty. Advice.

    Thank you Hoosier. Great info, yes thinking about block heaters as are often not fitted in my area.
  5. J

    Thinking of buying 07 or 08 Liberty. Advice.

    Hi first post and would love some advice/feedback as a jeep novice. I am planing a winter road trip from Toronto to the top of the North West Territories (Arctic Ocean) and back, 16000km round trip roughly. It will be very cold, hardest part will be Dempster highway and a little ice road...

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