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  1. Sevenmilesout

    Do I just have a different Jeep?

    Hello, I have a late 2007 Liberty crd, built in September 2007 & spent quite some time researching the different window regulators. Generally, the problem is with the clip that attaches to the window. The best solution I found was to buy a full set (4 doors) of metal clips from the US. My Libby...
  2. Sevenmilesout

    2005 2.8crd engine coolant water leakage

    I had the same problem with my 2.8 crd. Not a huge loss of coolant, but enough to bother me. I replaced the reservoir cap about 12 months ago & since coolant loss.
  3. Sevenmilesout

    '06 transmission issues

    Yes, Ken, your first port of call has to be the shop in which you invested $3000 & as soon as possible. It's pointless to guess what may be the issue with the transmission. Speed is of the essence.
  4. Sevenmilesout

    Do NOT trust JEEP (but maybe trust your dealer - maybe)

    I don't know where you are in Florida, but this guy....Ray, is good.
  5. Sevenmilesout

    06 Jeep liberty wont turn on

    The keyfob battery is a 3 volt 2032. Do not use 2 x 2016 (6v) P27 user manual.
  6. Sevenmilesout

    My CRD has got the runs!

    Hi Bill, RLD will ship the part.
  7. Sevenmilesout

    Dash lights go out when dome lights are off...what!?!

    Hiya, That fooled me too when I first got the Jeep. See page 115 of the owners manual. You need to turn the dimmer down one or two clicks from full bright.
  8. Sevenmilesout

    Blanking plate for the EGR

    MAP sensor. €33.43 Check the number on your own sensor & let me know. I will check the pressure spec of the sensor, which is the most important thing. (There are other sensors that look exactly the same...
  9. Sevenmilesout

    Blanking plate for the EGR

    Hiya, I'm in France too with a 2007 2.8crd. I suggest you obtain a new MAP sensor & this Facom product. I failed my Controle Technique in August, not for the MAP, which I had already changed but for emissions. From experience, the MAP can get easily clogged up. Blast with carb cleaner before you...
  10. Sevenmilesout

    Back window will not close

    Hiya, I did this repair a couple of years ago. The switches are very cheap.
  11. Sevenmilesout

    Bad atlernator or something else?

    Hiya from France, I presume you have a 3.7. This particular post was interesting & after a little searching, I found this. It may be worth a good read in order to solve the problem...
  12. Sevenmilesout

    O/D button won't shut off O/D 05 Liberty

    I'm sorry for this late response. Take the various pieces of the top of the shift mechanism off, until you can see the wiring. It isn't that difficult, but be careful with the plastic as it can be very brittle. You will then be able to see the two wires extending from the shift handle. Cut the...
  13. Sevenmilesout

    Black smoke? Just a bit!

    Hiya John, I'm in Montpellier most of the time, 34090, although I have a house in the Lot near Cahors too.....long story. Yes, I eventually understood what you meant about the pulleys :) I was a little tired when I replied to your post. MAP sensor clean is an easy job & should give you a bit...
  14. Sevenmilesout

    Black smoke? Just a bit!

    Hiya John, Happy New or Bonne année. I too live in France with a French registered ex-UK 2007 2.8crd. I also spent most of my working life in the UK motor trade :) Whereabouts are you? Idler pullies will do nothing to cause the black smoke issue. I see that you have located the...
  15. Sevenmilesout

    O/D button won't shut off O/D 05 Liberty

    Hello there, I had the opposite issue, the switch would not select "overdrive off" I cut the two wires from the selector handle & stripped the selector down. It is a very fine cable that feeds this switch. The easy way to solve it is to use a monetary switch attached to the two cut wires.
  16. Sevenmilesout

    Anyone with any 2007 2.8 CRD KJ Jeep Cherokee immobiliser knowledge ?

    Hello there, I have the same KJ ...2007 2.8crd & my name is Phil. I think your problem may be the ignition lock actuator. This video is a bit long-winded but he gets there in the end & it's quite useful watching the steps to diagnose. Have a look around the 19th minute. Best of luck, Phil
  17. Sevenmilesout

    2006 Liberty Sport 4x4 - Total Parking Brake Rebuild For $68

    A lovely job, Ron. Cinq etoiles ***** from France.
  18. Sevenmilesout

    Input on Possible Purchase of a 2002

    Whatever Jeep KJ you settle on, if it is a dealer, ask to see it on a ramp in order to have a good look at the underside structure. It can tell you so much. The one you mentioned is after all, nearly twenty years old.