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  1. T

    bearing replacement

    Noticable humming noise coming from front right of my '02 Liberty, 82K. My mechanic who I've been using for years and I think I trust, says the left and right bearings need replacement. Here's the shocker, $400.00 each! Not knowing much about front ends, why so much? :confused: Any info would...
  2. T

    Rear Door Stuck

    Hi, one of my '02 Liberty Sport driving co-workers was showing me how his rear door is stuck shut. The glass opens up and the door is definetly unlocked. He even tried kicking it from the inside. Any suggestions? Thanks Tim
  3. T

    Rotor Removal

    I got a little more aggressive with the sledge hammer and got it off! I hit it straight on and to one side. Not something I felt comfortable doing but it worked! With new pads and rotors the braking is smooth as silk. Thanks
  4. T

    Rotor Removal

    Hi, I'm replacing the front rotors on my 02 limited. I removed the caliper assy but the rotor wont budge. I've doused it with liquid wrench and have given some raps with a mallet but no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks Tim
  5. T

    Do I have ABS?

    Thanks! I've seen that little unit next to the master cylinder with the lines connected.
  6. T

    Do I have ABS?

    How can I tell if I have ABS or not? '02 Limited. Thanks Tim
  7. T

    Front brake pads replacement

    Hi, my mechanic said I'll need to replace front pads within 5K miles. I believe I have ABS. Should that make a difference? Is it 2 bolts on each side? I have an 02 Liberty Limited. Front disks, rear drums. Thanks Tim

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