
  1. X

    Vibration and Repair Question

    Hey all I just bought an 05 Liberty Limited w/ tow package that needed a bit of work and I have a few questions. *back story* The previous owner told me that he was ready to sell it because he had replaced a bunch of parts at once and when his mechanic said he would need a new driveshaft he...
  2. A

    Side to side play in jeep front driveshaft

    Have an 04 kj, was running fine, crawled under it yesterday and noticed that my left front driveshaft has a fair amount of side to side play.... Dont think this is normal?
  3. S

    Trying to diagnose sound.

    For months now iv had an odd sound get progressively worse. It started as almost a whistle that you'd only hear while driving under bridges or near barrier walls, but has now progressed to a full blown metallic jingle/occasional clunk/ratcheting sound that seems to be relative to wheel speed...