
  1. D

    Misfire troubleshooting, could it be the type of wire used for your connectors?

    Welcome to the Age of Cheap Chinese Knockoff Manufacturing. Who knows what they use to make parts? 18awg? 14awg? Well, 18 gauge bell wire is cheap so lets use that for everything. Good grief. How many of you have bought a pigtail only to find that the color coding didn't match polarity, and...
  2. D

    Misfire issues, could it be a matter of wiring best practices?

    Back story: After completely replacing *all* engine sensors, coils, injectors, and fabricating new independent harnesses for the coils and injectors, everything was running great and I put over 3000 miles on the Jeep, so I now know that dependable coil and injectors harnesses can be fabricated...