Your best bet (Since there's no true way that I've seen to check freon levels) is to have a recharge machine hooked up to your Lib so it can do a vacuum test. If it passes the vacuum then freon can be shot in along with a UV dye, drive it for a few days and run the AC some if you can and bring it back to whatever shop you get it done at so they can find the leak. Hard to say where it could be coming from without physically looking at the Jeep. Could be the compressor, condenser or an AC line somewhere along the way. Seriously doubt it has anything to do with a pressure switch if it's blowing air through the vents. No freon = No AC
EDIT: Do not use those cans of freon you buy from the parts store. Not only is it a dumb idea and can over pressurize the system and could potentially further rupture any lines that may be leaking. I believe the 3.7 call for 1.37lbs of freon.