While living in Central Alberta a few years back I toyed with the idea of installing a remote starter due to the -45* temp outside every morning. But after starting the car and while unplugging my block heaters and battery heater and coiling up the extension cord and stowing it away the engine was already warm.
So, I didn't bother.
Here in BC there are local municipal laws that ticket (either via ticket bitc h or police constable if they find your vehicle idling more than 5 minutes to reduce the amount of unburned hydro-carbons being released into the atmosphere.
Back in Alberta the people leave their vehicles running for upto 2 hours while they are getting ready to leave the house and go to work, shopping, etc.
All the while the heater is cranked full tilt and when they enter their ride the first thing they do is roll the window down to cool off theit vehicle screwy.gif headscratch.gif
Now, living back on the South Coast of B.C. I no longer need a block heater and our KJ comes with one from the factory!
If however I ever move somewhere cold again, I think I'll install one of those 1000 watt or 2000 watt waret heaters you plumb into one of the coolant lines. (We had these in our work trucks, they work very well.
Left plugged in all night and coolant temp is well above freezing and the heater has warmer air (then outside), engine heats up faster, and on top of everything else I not wasting fuel or dumping extra hyro-carbons into the air we breath, as well as no headache with the install!