This forum sure likes to slam RRO... Y'all sleeping with the competition? :emotions34:
Like Jayme stated a lot of us have been around on here and LOST and other sites since back in almost the beginning. Personally I've been around even before there was a JeepinByAl. I remember when Al Handy started mocking up UCAs in his garage, before the current owner bought him out and expanded the lifts and invested tons of $$$ into new products. And yes Al was the very first to make UCAs, it wasn't until years later that RRO came out with their copies and the issues that came along with them.
My first lift consisted parts from AllJs and OK4WD since those were the only two places you could get parts for KJs almost.
Over the years we've came along ways in what is available, and also who stand behind their products. For suspension we have AllJs and JeepinByAl. I know for a fact that if I had an issue 1000 miles from home a phone call to either one would have me parts in a day or two at most. Now those are companies I want to deal with and steer new people to.
So while you may think we are "in bed" with them, we are just sharing what works and who is the best to deal with.
Thank you for your time and now back to watching Lucy reruns :beatdeadhorse5:
And Porkchop ,................
over the years its gotten so deep it came over the boot tops, I just wear sandals or go barefooted anymore, less to clean up:favorites37::favorites37: