Do you have a Curt 13044 Tow Hitch - Trailer Hitch on your KJ, please?

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Dec 28, 2023
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Getting ready to have a hitch installed. Wanted to do it myself but it got complicated, with surge brakes and other issues, so I found an installer.

The only two “ concealed” class 3 tow hitches I found were Draw-Tite and Curt.

The Curt 10344 immediately won my vote for materials, overall design and definitely construction.

The installer agreed it is supposed to fit and reports that Curt had it tested to J684 SAE Standards for Libertys, so you’d think I’d be happy. But something’s nibbling at the back of my mind, so I’m here to ask what you’ve experienced.

Have a look at the AmZn listing for this Curt hitch and search the reviews for Liberty. See the review saying Chrysler told one KJer it didn’t meet their tolerances re the gas tank recall and replaced that hitch with a Chrysler factory hitch? THIS. is my concern. That the Curt hitch won’t fit with the gas tank skid plate. Did it fit for you?

The Curt 13044 is a box, two side plates and a back bar, all straight members and right angles.
The Curt is made of stouter stuff than the DrawTite, but access to the inside of that square stock cross member is also fully closed off at right and left ends where it’s welded to the side mounting plates.

The Draw-Tite 75128 has a curved back bar that fits through square holes in the ends of the mounting plates.

That curve looks like what helps it fit around the gas tank and its skid plate.
Im sorry to say the DrawTite not only looks to be made of flimsier steel, I’m not very happy with the way it’s put together. Bumper in the water to launch anything you tow and you’ll be irrigating the entire tow bar, which is put through square holes in either end of the side mounting plates that bolt it onto the vehicle, and open at either side so that the square stock across the back is presented a void with open ends.

I already see how that internal exposure played out over the life of the hitch our KJ came with, it’s rusty, actually delaminating, steel is expanded into multiple layers flaking off on inside and outside. I’d like to avoid that for as long as possible, but would like a hitch that fits the first time I go to have it installed an hour from home. Does the Curt fit? With the tank’s skid plate on?

Your experience and input appreciated.
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Full Access Member
Jan 20, 2016
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Weiser, ID
You could check for recalls and potentially get a free one from a jeep dealer.


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Jan 9, 2024
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Příprava na instalaci závěsu. Chtěl jsem to udělat sám, ale zkomplikovalo se to, s rázovými brzdami a dalšími problémy, tak jsem našel instalatéra.

Jediné dva „skryté“ tažné zařízení třídy 3, které jsem našel, byly Draw-Tite a Curt.

Curt 10344 okamžitě vyhrál můj hlas pro materiály, celkový design a rozhodně konstrukci.

Instalátor souhlasil, že to má pasovat, a hlásí, že Curt to nechal otestovat podle norem J684 SAE pro Libertys, takže si myslíte, že budu šťastný. Ale něco vzadu v mé mysli hlodá, tak jsem tu, abych se zeptal, co jsi zažil.

Podívejte se na seznam AmZn pro tento závěs Curt a vyhledejte recenze na Liberty. Podívejte se na recenzi, která říká, že Chrysler řekl jednomu KJerovi, že nesplňuje jejich tolerance při stažení palivové nádrže a nahradil tento závěs továrním závěsem Chrysler? TENTO. je moje starost. Že závěs Curt nebude pasovat do kluzné desky plynové nádrže. Vyhovovalo vám to?

Curt 13044 je krabice, dvě boční desky a zadní tyč, všechny rovné členy a pravé úhly.
Curt je vyroben z robustnějšího materiálu než DrawTite, ale přístup do vnitřku tohoto čtvercového příčného nosníku je také zcela uzavřen na pravém a levém konci, kde je přivařen k bočním montážním deskám.

Draw-Tite 75128 má zakřivenou zadní tyč, která prochází čtvercovými otvory na koncích montážních desek.

Tato křivka vypadá jako to, co jí pomáhá, aby se vešla kolem plynové nádrže a její kluzné desky.
Omlouvám se, že musím říct, že DrawTite nejenže vypadá, že je vyroben z křehčí oceli, ale nejsem moc spokojený se způsobem, jakým je poskládán. Ponořte se do vody, abyste vypustili cokoli, co táhnete, a budete zavlažovat celou tažnou tyč, která se prostrčí čtvercovými otvory na obou koncích bočních montážních desek, které ji přišroubují k vozidlu, a otevře se na každé straně tak, aby pažba přes hřbet představuje prázdnotu s otevřenými konci.

Už vidím, jak se ta vnitřní expozice odehrávala po celou dobu životnosti závěsu, se kterým přišel náš KJ, je rezavý, ve skutečnosti se delaminuje, ocel je expandovaná do několika vrstev, které se odlupují zevnitř i zvenku. Rád bych se tomu vyhnul tak dlouho, jak to jen půjde, ale chtěl bych závěs, který by se mi vešel poprvé , abych si ho nechal nainstalovat hodinu od domova. Hodí se Curt? S nasazenou kluznou deskou nádrže?

Vaše zkušenosti a příspěvky jsou oceňovány.
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Active Member
Dec 28, 2023
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You could check for recalls and potentially get a free one from a jeep dealer.
The recall has apparently already been undertaken. I suspect the rusty remnants of the factory installed hitch are what we’re aiming to replace. I don’t think they do that twice..


Active Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Mám to takto, třeba ti to pomůže
Vypadá to jako úplně jiné tažné zařízení, než jaké máme my, Silvestre, ale děkuji :) pro okno do vašeho světa! Jaký rok a model / výbavový paket je váš Jeep? Dali jste mu přezdívku?


New Member
Jan 9, 2024
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Vypadá to jako úplně jiné tažné zařízení, než jaké máme my, Silvestre, ale děkuji :) pro okno do vašeho světa! Jaký rok a model / výbavový paket je váš Jeep? Dali jste mu přezdívku?
have a 2004 crd limited imported from Italy, I don't have a nickname yet, my wife does not agree with the name of the beast. :) I have to say that what in 2004 was the equipment behind the "big puddle" was a few years longer here.


Active Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Chápu, že s manželem bylo těžké se dohodnout na názvu, Dělat věci dobře může někdy trvat déle, než se očekávalo, ale když čekáte společně, čekání stojí za to!


New Member
Jan 9, 2024
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yes, but I enjoy it, and my wife is happy that I don't run anywhere. today we went for a drive and I found out another unpleasant thing, apparently the front drive shaft is bad, but I have to check
Chápu, že s manželem bylo těžké se dohodnout na názvu, Dělat věci dobře může někdy trvat déle, než se očekávalo, ale když čekáte společně, čekání stojí za to!


Full Access Member
Dec 15, 2004
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Dem hollers in Ky
I removed the hitches from my Jeeps and had new recall hitches installed. At the time, they were also giving away $100 visa cards so I made some decent money. If you wanted, you could remove the rusty hitch and see if Jeep will install a new one.

The drawtite hitch that I put on my liberty in 2004 was actually a class IV hitch that was rated for 7500lbs. I still have it somewhere but the coating on it was awful. It appeared to be powder coat and was coming off in sheets.


Full Access Member
Oct 20, 2022
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I have a similar one to Silvestr on my Jeep, I leave it mounted permanently because it's a good rear bumper protector when I'm parked.


Full Access Member
Nov 2, 2019
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Getting ready to have a hitch installed. Wanted to do it myself but it got complicated, with surge brakes and other issues, so I found an installer.

The only two “ concealed” class 3 tow hitches I found were Draw-Tite and Curt.

The Curt 10344 immediately won my vote for materials, overall design and definitely construction.

The installer agreed it is supposed to fit and reports that Curt had it tested to J684 SAE Standards for Libertys, so you’d think I’d be happy. But something’s nibbling at the back of my mind, so I’m here to ask what you’ve experienced.

Have a look at the AmZn listing for this Curt hitch and search the reviews for Liberty. See the review saying Chrysler told one KJer it didn’t meet their tolerances re the gas tank recall and replaced that hitch with a Chrysler factory hitch? THIS. is my concern. That the Curt hitch won’t fit with the gas tank skid plate. Did it fit for you?

The Curt 13044 is a box, two side plates and a back bar, all straight members and right angles.
The Curt is made of stouter stuff than the DrawTite, but access to the inside of that square stock cross member is also fully closed off at right and left ends where it’s welded to the side mounting plates.

The Draw-Tite 75128 has a curved back bar that fits through square holes in the ends of the mounting plates.

That curve looks like what helps it fit around the gas tank and its skid plate.
Im sorry to say the DrawTite not only looks to be made of flimsier steel, I’m not very happy with the way it’s put together. Bumper in the water to launch anything you tow and you’ll be irrigating the entire tow bar, which is put through square holes in either end of the side mounting plates that bolt it onto the vehicle, and open at either side so that the square stock across the back is presented a void with open ends.

I already see how that internal exposure played out over the life of the hitch our KJ came with, it’s rusty, actually delaminating, steel is expanded into multiple layers flaking off on inside and outside. I’d like to avoid that for as long as possible, but would like a hitch that fits the first time I go to have it installed an hour from home. Does the Curt fit? With the tank’s skid plate on?

Your experience and input appreciated.
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Pretty sure that model Curt is what I have on my 07 Limited and sourced from Amazon as well. I have Skid Row armor on my gas tank which is much bulkier than the OEM stuff and the Curt went on no problem. It's been on there for 4+ years. Comment about the receiver length is on target.


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Active Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Thanks so much @Dave_too for the share. Your middle image shows your hitch has bends in the crossmember, though, and the Curt hitch is straight, no bends . I’ll be sure to post the results.
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Active Member
Dec 28, 2023
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I removed the hitches from my Jeeps and had new recall hitches installed. At the time, they were also giving away $100 visa cards so I made some decent money. If you wanted, you could remove the rusty hitch and see if Jeep will install a new one.

The drawtite hitch that I put on my liberty in 2004 was actually a class IV hitch that was rated for 7500lbs. I still have it somewhere but the coating on it was awful. It appeared to be powder coat and was coming off in sheets.
Thanks for your response, although based on the results sown in Vin searches, Jeep keeps track of which vehicles participated in which recalls. Are you and others thinking the recalls are supporting our Jeeps for their lives, meaning they’d be providing repeated hitches to protect the gas tank design flaw In case we’re rear ended? I wouldn’t trust the current hitch to tow, which s why we bought i.. Thanks for your input.


Active Member
Dec 28, 2023
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yes, but I enjoy it, and my wife is happy that I don't run anywhere. today we went for a drive and I found out another unpleasant thing, apparently the front drive shaft is bad, but I have to check
It’s a growing investment.. mine too. More work than was expected, but love is blind, eh?


New Member
Jan 9, 2024
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Je to rostoucí investice... i moje. Více práce, než se čekalo, ale láska je slep

It’s a growing investment.. mine too. More work than was expected, but love is blind, eh?
yes, it's a lot of work, but it's a cutie. now i'm changing the bushings on the axles, and i've noticed that in America it is customary to replace whole parts rather than keep and repair the old/original ones.



Full Access Member
Nov 2, 2019
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Thanks so much @Dave_too for the share. Your middle image shows your hitch has bends in the crossmember, though, and the Curt hitch is straight, no bends . I’ll be sure to post the results.
Great catch! You're absolutely correct.


Full Access Member
Oct 20, 2022
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yes, it's a lot of work, but it's a cutie. now i'm changing the bushings on the axles, and i've noticed that in America it is customary to replace whole parts rather than keep and repair the old/original ones.

If you are doing the rear upper bushes then I suggest that you cut the steel outer part to release it from the arm, the metal the arm is made from is so thin it distorts if you use a press.