Good day,
Ok, to answer your questions we will start with the Hella fog and driving lights.
Fog lights are a light in which the lamps beam pattern has a very prominent horizontal cut off. Meaning that the light doesn't shine out far ahead of the vehicle but instead it under cuts through the fog bank and illuminates the road way directly in front of your vehicle.
If you will, a wide beam pattern. when aimed properly they allow oncoming vehicles to see you far in advance without blinding them, yet still providing the driver with excellent light out put.
A driving light beam pattern shines further into the distance of night and they come on with your high beams on, only with way more light out put.
What many people will do is hook up their fog and driving lights to come on at the same time and the advantage of this is that the driving lights reach far ahead of the car and the fog lamps shine off to the side of the road way.
In turn giving you full coverage at night.
For your first set of lights, I would recommend the Hella 500 in which the lamps beam pattern is determined by the "lines molded or etched into the glass lens of the lamp unit. Ask most of the folks here who use Hella and they will tell you that they are awesome lights. The 500FF (Stands for free form) the lamps beam pattern is determined by the shape and angles incorporated into the reflector of the light unit and not the lens. The light out put if far more focused and the beam pattern is more precise so the lamp preforms better! Both the 500 and the 500FF are some of the very best on the axillary light market. Bar none!
Wal-Mart is a good place to purchase them from as their price is very competitive.
I priced out both models at Wal-Mart and the 500's sold for $60.00 per pair and the 500FF sells for $64.00 per pair including a full wiring harness.
Here in Canada on the West Coast, the 500's sell for $179.00 per pair and the 500FF sell for $229.00 per pair! We get ripped off here quite regularly!
Here is a direct link to the Hella web site:
That CB radio is a good buy for $34.96. Can't really go bad for that. Very suitable for chatting with your buddies on the trail. Chances are you are going to have to tune the antenna to get the best coverage possible, but I won't get into that here and now.
I currently have one of these: A RA-400
I used it in my Mini since 1984 and it has been an incredible little CB radio!
But with all things, I get bored of the old and want to keep up with the times so I am looking at one of these at the very least:
I've seen that particular Cobra sell on EBay (With funky neon blue back lit case for $63.85
Or upgrade to a multi-band ham radio.
I loaded up on the links,buy hey, lots of cool **** to check out!
I hope that this info helps you out some.