Hello folks. I’ve recently started taking my 2012 kk on trails in SoCal, so of course I’ve been upgrading. From what I’ve learned about the 3.7 overheating is a common problem, and causes many problems with these engines. My experience so far has reinforced this as I have overheated a few times. I expected to run into issues since I doubt this vehicle has ever been off-road before this year. The cooling system immediately showed itself as a week link. I changed the water pump not that long ago, and just recently replaced the radiator. It was definitely partially clogged. I thought this might be sufficient but it still overheated on a trail, so I just dropped in a mechanical fan to see if that will do it. Haven’t been out since to test it since I need to replace the cats, which may be exacerbating the problem. That long lead up was just to explain why I’ve been thinking about flex fuel conversions. As I understand it alcohol would reduce the running temp. I’ve seen an awful lot of Chrysler vehicles with flex fuel badges lately, so the question is has anyone cobbled together a flex fuel liberty or know if any 3.7s ever had that option? I know it can be done with aftermarket parts, but the costs are a bit high.